I’m officially Bumpin’ over here! I know I will look back one day and laugh at how small I am, but for now, I feel huge!
I went on a 2.5 mile run/walk yesterday. The weather was beautiful, so I had to take advantage. I have only been nauseated in the afternoon and evenings, so the mornings have been better the past few days. Other than that, I think that last time I exercised was a 2 mile run/walk last Thursday. I was planning to run 4/5 last weekend but it rained most of the time. Hoping to get it in this weekend.
Symptoms: Tired (but not as bas as before), breakouts on face, chest and shoulders. Nausea in evenings, constipation, forgetfulness, dry skin, bloated, peeing a lot.
Baby’s Size: Lime
Maternity Clothes?: My sweet friend Jen was kind enough to send me some of hers that she has outgrown, but I have not bought any of my own. I have bought a few workout things from Under Armour in bigger sizes that will hopefully hold me over for a couple more months at least.
Stretch Marks?: Not yet, but I’m not holding my breath. I have stretch marks on my legs from when I hit a huge growth spurt in 5th grade, so I have had them before…
Sleep: WAS really good but the past few nights it’s been tossing and turning. I have no problem falling asleep but then I wake up every couple hours wide awake, and of course to get up and pee.
Miss Anything?: I don’t drink a lot of alcohol, but with the weather warming up I have been having serious cravings for a Margarita or Pina Colada (I have been craving cold/frozen things like slushies so not surprising).
Cravings? Snowballs, slushies, ice cream, carbs like chips, cheez its, etc.
Aversions? Nothing makes me gag, but most foods just don’t sound appetizing. Mealtime is no fun because I literally just stare at the refrigerator because nothing sounds “good” to me. I force myself to at least snack all day though.
Looking Forward to: Second trimester and hopefully kissing morning sickness goodbye!
What I’m loving: Reading and planning. I am such a planner I love just researching and learning and getting ready!
QOTD: Anyone else craving frozen concoctions? When did your morning sickness subside?

I spy a tiny bump! Glad you can use the clothes — I’ll have more to send soon!
Oh man, the forgetfulness NEVER goes away. Pregnancy brain turns to mommy brain and you’ll just can’t believe you used to remember stuff!
I concur with Jen on mommy brain!
How is it possible that in the pictures you posted a few days ago there was no sign of a bump, and now there’s a tiny baby bump! It’s crazy how quickly things change with pregnancy! You are so cute!
no idea it’s insane! I never thought I would show this early since i’m so tall!
I’m so excited for you! I saw you and your family during Princess weekend on the Boardwalk but you were to far away to yell and I didn’t want to look like a fool! The exhaustion will get better and the forgetfulness will last at least through the baby’s first year. It’s called “Pregnancy Brain”!
Aw bummer you weren’t able to say hello!
Your little baby bump is so cute!! I hope morning sickness goes away here soon for you. I’ve heard funny stories about pregnancy brain… you’ll definitely have to keep us updated if anything funny happens! :0)
so far it’s just been stupid things like I grab my phone to check something and cannot remember why i picked up my phone. Happens at least twice a day.
I don’t know if this will bother you or not but when I was pregnant I had a lot of hip pain. The tendons and muscles on your hips loosen so they can spread which cause pain. We got a memory foam mattress topper and it made all the difference in the world. Just a suggestion, should that happen to you. Oh yeah, and a giant pillow if great, especially as the belly gets bigger.
LOVE the tiny baby bump. So sweet!
No hip pain so far, but we have a tempurpedic mattress and I have a snoogle pillow!
The belly band is awesome for when you can’t button or zip shorts jeans anymore….look into those. Get yourself a margarita or pina colada, at least virgin. 😉
def. plan on some virgin cocktails this summer!
Awww! I see that sweet little baby bump! I love it! Glad you’re starting to feel a little better! And once all the nausea is gone…food will taste so good! Food tastes amazing when you’re pregnant for some reason lol! The sickness went away for me in the second trimester. So hopefully yours will all be gone soon! 😉
hopefully soon!
It’s a good thing we’re heading into spring and summer so you can get those slushies and snowcones. If you’re craving a margarita, you can get one flavored like a margarita since there’s no alcohol. We’ve got a snow cone stand in Frisco that does stuff like that.
wedding cake snowball is the only one I will get its my fav! I will get a virgin margarita though!
Sweet little bump! Love it! Yum…must have a Nola snowball soon!!
Congrats Heather! I had morning (all day sickness) and extreme fatigue during the first trimester but I felt soooo much better around 12-14 weeks. It was like I woke up one day and was a different person! Staying active usually helps with fatigue and sickness too. I craved different things with my two pregnancies; with my daughter I craved fruit and with my son I craved hamburgers (and meat in general).
I try to at least walk 6 days a week but running only happens once or twice right now!
you look great buddy!
Aww your bump is so cute! 🙂
🙂 thanks
Let the bump pictures keep rolling – love it 🙂
You look great!! Isn’t it funny how big we feel in the beginning?! For me, week 13 was the magic number… hope the nausea subsides soon!
I’m close to 13, fingers crossed!
Cute!! You are definitely starting to get a bump!
I know it’s crazy!
16 weeks over here! I never got *sick* but I did have the nausea, and it subsided right around the 12-13 mark, although I still have random WTF nausea moments.
As far as food goes, my savior was smoothies. It took care of the craving for ice cream and dessert-like treats with something semi-sweet that incorporated all the veggies I was having a tough time with.
it’s getting better but not “gone”. hoping at 13 it magically disappears 🙂
I’m 32 weeks (woo hoo). I feel your pain about food not sounding good. Until about 15 weeks, I had evening sickness. If I ate after 6 pm, I got sick, and I couldn’t eat anything italian. Zofran definitely helped. I drank a lot of sprite, ginger ale and ate a lot of saltines. Hang in there!
Zofran def takes the edge off but doesn’t make it “go away” I guess for me, but it helps! I can’t wait till 32 weeks!
Your little bump is so cute! I’m so glad your pregnancy is going well.
thanks!!! 🙂
I ate sooo many cheezits with Max it wasn’t even funny… bought the individual bags box from Sams twice and just kept a couple bags with me when ever I was out. Morning sickness started to slack off some around 13 weeks, but I also had bad acid reflux and so started to feel sick again beginning of the third trimester. Also loved preggy pop drops, just enough sour and sugar to help when I started to feel sick and had to keep going, they sell them at Motherhood Maternity. Don’t worry about feeling huge, you have the opposite at the end. I always forget how big I was at the end!
cheez its all day long over here haha!
So Sorry you’re experiencing morning sickness. I was to avoid it. Hang in there. Second semester is better.
that’s what I keep hearing, fingers crossed!
You look adorable girlie – keep selling me on the idea 😉
Here is my mom’s super yummy virgin Pina Colada Recipe to get your cold food fix!
Combine in blender:
12 oz pineapple juice
1 Tablespoon sugar
4 Tablespoons cream of coconut
2 cups of ice cubes (I add extra cause I like it spoonable)
This makes a ton and you have stuff leftover for another 1-2 batches. I buy the large can of pineapple juice! ENJOY!
thanks I will have to try it!
It was SO GREAT to see you this weekend! You LOOK ADORABLE!!