I hit the 13 week mark yesterday, hooray! There is some debate on if this marks the beginning of the second trimester or not. Both of the emails I got yesterday about week 13 said I was now in the second trimester, so I’m not sure what to believe! Regardless, the bump is definitely GROWING, and this past week has led to some changing symptoms. Let’s take a look:
Bella is SUCH a camera hog! I sense some sibling rivalry/jealousy already! I took this photo right after a terribly crappy run, sorry for the look of exhaustion and death.
Symptoms: round ligament pain, constipation, bloating, acne, fatigue, nausea in the evenings and if I don’t eat, forgetfulness. My nausea went ALMOST away beginning of last week then hit me again 3 days ago and I have felt the need to dry heave nonstop, like it’s just below the surface if anything were to trigger it. It’s a strange feeling!
Baby’s Size: peach
Maternity Clothes: Haven’t bought any yet but think I will soon here!
Stretch Marks: None yet
Sleep: Pretty good. Getting up at least once to go to the bathroom, still sleep about ten hours at night.
Miss Anything?: Craving food and having an appetite.
Cravings: Still just really cold or frozen things like icees and the like.
Aversions: Most foods I guess, I just don’t want to eat and have to make myself.
Looking Forward to: Hearing the heartbeat at my next appointment!
What I’m Loving: My snoogle! Bobby loves it, too.
Workouts: Getting better, still not great. I ran TWICE last week, woo hoo! 2 miles one day, and 5 another. Slow with walk breaks, but still really proud. I also walked the dogs every day between .75 and 1.25 miles. I am trying to MOVE at least six days a week, I’m hoping to be able to add weight lifting back in again this week maybe.
My next appointment is April 9th, counting down the days!
I also wanted to announce I am now a For Two Fitness ambassador! Pregnant mamas, it’s a great maternity apparel company with super cute running and training clothes, be sure to check them out!
QOTD: Did you have a snoogle? Round ligament pain? When will I crave FOOD again?!?!

The first trimester nausea stopped after week 14 but my appetite didn’t come back until 16 weeks. When ever yours comes back live it up! My appetite disappeared again at 32 weeks and has remained fickle (and I’m do in a week!). There’s just no room for food with a growing baby in there.
I never bought a snoogle- ended up adding a pillow for every month of pregnancy! Currently sleeping with 4 but at one point I maxed out at 8.
Yay for more of a bump! Keep up the running!
I had round ligament pain with my second. They say it gets worse each time. I hated it. It would always act up when I would try to walk fir exercise.
Congrats on becoming a For Two Fitness ambassador!
Great job on your workouts this week. I hope your sickness goes away soon too!
Aww! That picture of Bobby is cute! I WISH I’d had a snoogle when I was pregnant! That thing looks amazing! I’d like it even now lol! Glad you are starting to feel a little better and can get some runs in!
Looks like Bella wants to use the snoogle too.
I loved that pregnancy pillow! it worked wonders when my bump got huge!
I think I started wanting to eat again around 14 weeks. But, even then there were only a few things I really wanted, like green bean casserole.
The Snoogle is the best invention ever! I held off so long buying it during my first pregnancy because I didn’t want to spend the money. But it was amazing and such a great purchase. I actually sold mine to a friend between pregnancies and I’m pretty sure I had bought one the second time around before the pregnancy test was even dry. I love it.
The RLP was so much worse the second time around. Just stand up slowly and stretch a lot.
Love reading your updates!! Hope your appetite comes back soon!
Well being an ambassador for them is just perfect timing right there 🙂
Adorable baby bump!
So exciting to read your updates! I have no advice about pregnancy but I hope all is going well and you are rockin’ that baby bump!
Congratulations! That’s so exciting!
I hope the nausea goes away for good! I had round ligament pain early on (weeks 18ish and on) and a band really helped me. I got the Gabrielle band, some don’t like them but I’ve felt much better while exercising with it! My RLP has tapered significantly, it was when my stomach really started growing fast! Best wishes!
i don’t have a snoogle, i have a different pregnancy pillow that my dog loves lol