Woo hoo! The weeks are ticking by! In a way I want them to speed up, but I also want them to slow down because I have so much to do and so many things I hope to happen before September. I haven’t said much about it on here, but at the end of February my husband very unexpectedly lost his job, and we have been seriously struggling to find him something else. I have been a basket case, very stressed out about how this is all going to pan out. I’m trying to remember that God is in control, but it’s hard when you get news like that at the worst possible time. We are doing everything we know to do to find him more work, but it’s just tough out there, and he’s NOT being picky…which actually makes it even more frustrating and scary. When we decided to start trying for a baby, he had what we thought was a solid job, and obviously if he was unemployed we would have held off on trying, so this is just a scary time for us. Anyway, I don’t want to get into it too much because it just upsets me, but that’s what’s been going on.
Bloating has gone down, I feel like I look smaller than at 13 weeks
The first few days of last week I felt really good, and then Sunday and Monday wham! I was hit with really bad headaches, and feeling sick to my stomach again. Things were better yesterday thankfully, but it was strange to go backwards after I was feeling so good! Here is what has been going on over the past week:
Symptoms: Headaches, acne, sinus problems, round ligament pain (like WOAH), shortness of breathe, constant peeing.
Baby’s Size: One source says navel orange, one says apple.
Maternity Clothes: My awesome parents bought me some at Old Navy this weekend. SO comfy!
Stretch Marks: Still crossing fingers.
Sleep: Not as good this week. Every night I have gotten up at least twice to pee, sometimes three times. Yikes.
Miss Anything? I feel like my emotions are all over the place and I don’t like not feeling in control of them, so ya I miss feeling like a normal person.
Cravings: Frozen grapes. Really anything frozen.
Aversions: Really thick heavy things, I just can’t eat more than a couple of bites of chicken or beef by themselves, too dense if that makes sense.
Looking Forward to: My appointment TODAY!
What I’m Loving: That my bloating has finally gone down and I don’t feel quite as uncomfortable as I did between weeks 8-11.
Workouts: Alright. I ran three times (2,2.5, and 5) and walked every day. I am experiencing some round ligament pain when I run, so I am hoping it’s just a phase and won’t change my ability to run through pregnancy!
Post 5 mile run, that was a doozey! (Lots of walk breaks!)
QOTD: Have you ever been unemployed? Any advice for us?
My how to beat pregnancy cravings post is up on the For Two Fitness blog!

It’s soooo upsetting to be suddenly unemployed while pregnant. I feel like I still haven’t completely recovered from losing my job 2.5 years ago a few months before I had Wyatt. That being said, we’ve survived and I know you will too!
Good luck at your appt today!
I’ve been unemployed (and underemployed) a LOT in the last 6 years. The best you can do is really talk to EVERY body you might know about getting work. And possibly expand the scope of what you’re willing to do – I’ve kind of ended up changing direction completely and it’s not so bad!
It’s tough when there’s no / less money coming in but you need to remember to still do some of the things that make you happy and keep you relaxed. Though maybe you can’t do them as often, it’s nice to get away from the stress of job-hunting and budgeting and just spending all your time thinking about ‘finding work finding work finding work’
Good Luck!!! Things will work out!!
Praying for your husband’s job situation to be resolved soon! I totally understand. When I was 7 1/2 months pregnant with my son, I quite unexpectedly lost my job, and I had the health insurance for our family. It was very stressful, but God did provide and I got a new job literally 24 hours before I went into labor. It will work out, though I know in the present it is sometimes hard to believe that!
Praying for you guys, we have been there, with both of us ( thankfully never at the same time). We can ask around and let you know if we hear of anything.
Hang in there girl! You are not alone! My husband lost his job in February as well, and I feel your pain when you say there is nothing out there and your husband isn’t being picky! This to shall pass! Love your blog updates!
Awe girl my heart breaks for you. I became unemployed last year and it really freaked me out as together my husband and I were barely the national average. He could also still lose his job any time now due to craziness going on there. He is much more calm and level headed about it all than me. Having a few “backup/ plans, trying our best, and just letting go have been sanity savers.
Hugs! I know it will all work out for you guys!
things always have a way of working out. i have been on and off unemployed or generally unhappy. lemme know if there is anything i can do to assist. what does your husband do?
Been there, I’ll keep you guys in my prayers!
Really sorry about the job situation but you’re right – God has it all under control. Praying that the right doors open up for you guys. Have a great appointment today!!
So sorry to hear about Bobby! I can only imagine how stressed I would be. Just know that it will all work out and there are better thing ahead for him (and his man shirt!) 🙂
I am so sorry to hear about Bobby losing his job. :0( I’ll be sending prayers yall’s way for him to find something soon. I wish I could offer some advice, but I’m sure what I can offer is what you already know. Just try to keep costs down as much as you can to avoid using the saving’s account. You guys will overcome this and come out stronger than before!
Have fun at your doctor’s appointment today!
Oh Heather im sorry about Bobby’s job, I know how you feel. My hubby made a drastic carrer change while I was pregnant with our daughter which was a huge paycut. We survived and so will you. I always knew that God will provide for us and he always has. Enjoy the rest of the journey and don’t stress. Babies don’t need much other than love. Praying he finds something soon.
I was unemployed for 9 months but finally found my job through a placement agency. I don’t know if you’ve tried them, but I recommend them if you haven’t.
I have been through this when my husband lost his job 2 years ago. Same situation. Took a long time to find one (sorry), but he was able to collect and we tightened our belts. We actually were more frugal and seemed to have more money than when we do with him working! But it did allow him to be around for the kids for a while and I saved on child care costs. So while it is hard to have them around more, it is a blessing in disguise as well and you will get through it.
Oh and he also uses LinkedIn as a major networking tool to find recruiters for companies and connect with staffing agencies and recruiters.
Yup…been unemployed 3x now. :-/ Luckily, I was not the breadwinner, but it does require some lifestyle changes, like being more frugal (hard for me) and applying for jobs practically every day. Hope things look up soon!
Wishing your Hubs good luck on the job hunt! 🙂
Oh man, definitely bad timing. I’ll keep you all in my thoughts/prayers that something turns up! Hope the round ligament pain eases up, too. I got it around 23-24 weeks both times, but it hasn’t been too bad. You look great!
Oh girl. I’m so, so sorry to hear that!! Hugs and prayers to you both that he will find something soon. Glad to hear you’re feeling better and able to run some again! I could not eat much meat during my pregnancy either. Something about it just turned me off. Will be thinking about you guys!!
Looking good! Sorry about the hubby’s job. Not good timing at all. I hope he finds something soon. Best of luck to both of you.
i know ALL about wanting to slow down time! i may be getting induced next week and i am so not ready!! EEK!!!!
My unemployment advice….. network, network, network…Sorry to hear about it and I do know the stress….always works out for the best though.
hope your apt went well! Sorry about your husbands job, and yes have to keep faith that everything will work out and it will!!
Ya my bloating has gone done as well, feels nice haha
Oh Heather! I’m so sorry Bobby lost his job! I feel your pain..Andy got laid off about 3 years ago. It was the scariest time. But God is so good. He provided and he will for you guys too. I’m praying for y’all!
So happy to hear how well things are going with the pregnancy! When I was reading this post last night, I flagged it so I would remember to comment this morning. The whole time I was reading, all I could keep thinking is that maybe part of God’s plan is for your hubby to be able to be with you more during this stage of your pregnancy and that he’s got something even better for him with a new job than what he had with the old one. I tend to try to think about those kinds of optimistic things, but something in me when I was reading was just strong that it must be something like that going on so I wanted to say something. Regardless, it’ll definitely work out and probably in ways that are better than you can imagine! Praying for y’all!
Thinking of you and praying your husband finds a new job soon. That must be very stressful. <3
I feel ya on the emotions thing. At 36 weeks pregnant I feel like such a cliche pregnant woman some days- emotions all over the place! I guess it's just part of the "magic" 😉