We are on the other side of halfway! Things are getting a bit more real. We started the baby registry process this week, and there is no denying my belly now. It’s starting to get in the way! Standing up out of a recliner is harder, rolling over in bed at night is hard, too. Honestly though, I will take these mild symptoms over what I know some people go to. I consider myself blessed for sure!
Symptoms: This week has been a little different, and I definitely can tell I am slowing down. I had a few days again where I just didn’t want to eat and no foods tasted good, too. I am getting slight swelling in my feet when I am up and about all day, so time to bust out the compressions socks! The peeing thing has gotten to be a problem with workouts. I literally take a few steps and feel like I have to go. Definitely not ideal.
Baby’s Size: Banana? Carrot? I have heard a few.
Maternity Clothes: Nothing new.
Stretch Marks: same
Sleep: Oy. Not so good this week. I had 4 days where I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t fall back asleep for two hours. Of course the longer it took the more annoyed I got which I am sure didn’t help.
Miss Anything: Nothing new that I can think of this week. Just the same sleeping on my stomach and getting through a workout without needing to pee four times.
Cravings: It’s been getting hot here, so Gatorade has been good, and I had an icee from Target yesterday. Yum!
Aversions: Just not eating a lot of anything at once right now.
Looking Forward to: Picking out a name. Baby M is still Baby M for now!
What I’m Loving: While registering has been overwhelming, it is fun, too. I can’t wait to use cute baby items when she arrives!
Workouts: I only ran once this week, but walked at least 2 miles a day for 5 days. Didn’t do the strength work I planned to do. Oops. Will try again this week!
Huge shout out to Dr. Browns. They reached out to me on Twitter and sent me the sweetest most generous baby care package this week! Baby M is already so blessed and she isn’t even here yet. I am so thankful for great companies like this that are willing to have me try out their products. I will definitely be reporting back on how I liked this stuff in a few short months!
QOTD: Did you have pregnancy insomnia?
What are your thoughts on the first episode of the Bachelorette?

I watched the first episode last night. Lots of characters! Andi seems really sweet and I hope she finds love! 🙂
Karen @karenlovestorun
You look great! My pregnancy insomnia was sooo bad this time, but it’s made getting up with a newborn easier!
Looking great! Love that top on you! Hope the insomnia stops – that must be frustrating!
Haven’t finished the Bachelorette – still working on it. 🙂
yay for baby registry haha – so overwhelming. But we made good progress on ours and just about done 😉 I put some of Dr. Brown’s bottles on ours!
Glad you are doing well. xo
Girl you are just glowing!!! Hope the insomnia is short lived. You need as much sleep as you can get before she gets here! I do remember my hips hurting so bad at night though. It made it pretty uncomfortable especially since you can’t sleep on your belly and aren’t supposed to sleep on your back. I haven’t watched The Bachelorette…yet. Can’t wait to watch it!
I didn’t have ‘insomnia’ but I remember having to pee ALL NIGHT. I complained about it to my Dr and she said to look at it as training for being up with a baby in the coming months!
Ugh. YES! The insomnia is killing me! Several times a week either I cannot get to sleep or wake up and can’t get back to sleep for several hours. 🙁