Seriously yall, this is getting crazy. I get my weekly update and say “wow that was a fast week!” So different from watching the days crawl by in the first trimester! I am now 22 weeks pregnant with baby girl, and things are going really well!
Post Mexican food lunch. I think it makes a difference!
This has been a whirlwind of a week for a lot of reasons, but I will explain more about that in a later post. I am feeling really great, my mild symptoms are nothing much to complain about. I bought a support belt so that fingers crossed, I can try running again. Hoping maybe late this afternoon/early evening I can test it out. Let’s take a look at how this past week has gone:
Symptoms: Slight swelling when up for a long time walking around, round ligament pain, tired, forgetful, back starting to ache a good portion of the day, mild heartburn some days. Sleep hasn’t been very good though. Acne getting better but not gone, but I am overall very happy with the way things are going.
Baby’s Size: Papaya
Maternity Clothes: Nothing new, but in going to the pool last week I quickly realized my bikinis from last year are not family appropriate for me to wear anymore! Must invest in one maternity swimsuit.
Stretch Marks: no changes
Sleep: Not so great. I have mentioned the past couple weeks I have had days where I wake up wide awake for a couple hours. Wwweeelll, last night was the worst. I was up from 1:30-5:15 and could. not. sleep. Preparing me for this fall I guess?
Miss Anything?: Seriously starting to miss sleeping on my stomach and a good hard run.
Cravings: Not really much. I haven’t really been stuck with the “gotta have it now” cravings like a lot of women experience.
Aversions: A few days have been up and down as far as nothing sounding appealing and not wanting to eat.
Looking Forward to: Going to the beach for a couple days in June and reading some baby books!
What I’m Loving: Lots and lots of baby kicks, especially at night. Getting stronger, too. Makes it seem so much more real!
Workouts: No running this past week but I have kept moving at least 5 days a week. I walked almost 2 miles with my dad Saturday, then again Monday with my mom. Walking with the dogs when I am at home. Attempting to run with my new support belt this week!
QOTD: Did you run with a support belt while pregnant?
Did the month of May fly by for anyone else?
*don’t forget to enter the BIC Bands giveaway and the iTunes giveaway!

I just ordered a support band. I’m really hoping it helps! I just bought an adorable maternity swim suit from Target. Cheap and lovely. I won’t offend anyone when I wear it 😉
You look awesome!
You look fantastic! I found I wasn’t sleeping because my mind would be buzzing. Try repeating soothing things and deep breathing yoga style! Did you try a maternity pillow yet? I did run with a support belt up to 36 weeks, and I’ve officially stepped down from that exercise! It made a huge difference for my RLP. Target has SUPER cute maternity tankini suits, but I recommend keeping your bottoms if you can or buying regular bottoms one size up! I found even the extra small maternity bottom was too big, and I’m usually a small/medium in bottoms!
You look great! I really hope the band works so you can run!
Hope the support belt helps you while running! Time is flying by so fast…it will be September before you know it!
You’re looking great! May did go by quickly, and it doesn’t even feel like late May yet. I’ve got some things planned for June and the first one is coming up quickly. Where did the spring go?
AH, you’re just glowing! Love the Big sis shirt too , how cute?!
i actually miss those baby kicks!! you’re looking great, friend!
Where did you end up buying the support belt from? I still need to buy one. Motherhood maternity has some good options for swimwear. Also, if you’re not already on Zulily, you should definitely check out their apparel for maternity. They have some great deals, but shipping can take a while.
Oh no! So sorry you had a rough night!! UGH! Good luck with the belt! Mine really helped, especially as I got further along and the belly got bigger and bigger and bigger. 🙂
First time around, I got a really crappy support band and had to stop running at 20 weeks as it just felt weird. I still did exercise groups but they were not running exercises. This time around I got the Gabriella one and it is awesome, but I have just found that now when I run I get excruciating pain in the sciatic area so I think my running (which really is a jog anyways right now 😉 ) are over. I still will wear the band when walking as it just feels so good. I could see myself starting to wear it at work when I do get bigger… and oh the insomnia, it sucks and I have no clue why it happens but at least get it twice a week.
Looking great Heather! A little beach vacation will be perfect for some baby book reading. Have fun! :0)
I know I say it every week but you are just so cute!!! I really hope the belt helps you with your running! Have fun at the beach!!!
haha we totally got zoey (our dog) a big sister shirt too and pregnancy brain is no joke!!
Glowing 🙂
I had pregnancy insomnia with my first one! It was like my body flipped an ON switch every night at 2am. Every night. I would wake up and see the clock say 2:04 or 2:01, etc. I learned to stop fighting it and go downstairs to watch TV until I got sleepy again around 3:30. I watched A LOT of Iron Chef Japan (the hilarious ones with the voice interpretations).