Hooray for a new milestone! I have been waiting to reach this week, because it means technically if baby were to be born now, she would have a chance at surviving. Of course, I want baby M to stay in and bake as long as possible, but it is a slight relief hitting 24 weeks.
Sorry for the “different” picture this week, we are still at my parents dog sitting for some friends and my routine is thrown all out of whack.
Symptoms: Feeling good as far as OLD symptoms going away, but this week I am starting to really feel the extra weight. My back hurts pretty bad if I have to sit in the car for a long time, when I workout, etc. My tailbone also hurts when I sit on the floor. I get a little swelling when I’m up and about a lot, and am just generally speaking starting to slow down a bit. I can’t go go go like I used to, and it’s a bit frustrating for someone used to being so active without getting tired.
Face face has pretty much cleared up and my skin is doing well. I can’t believe how fast these weeks are flying and I’m still not used to my belly. Several times this week I went to squeeze behind a chair, by a pole, etc. and rammed my belly into something because I’m not used to not being able to fit!
Baby’s Size: Cantaloupe
Maternity Clothes: Nothing new, but I am planning to go get a maternity swimsuit later this week.
Stretch marks: same
Sleep: Ug. Not so great. Getting up to pee an average of three times a night, and laying awake for a long time once I get back into bed.
Miss Anything: Racing. I see everyone posting photos from races every weekend and I am slightly jealous. In a friendly way of course.
Cravings: Eat all the carbs! Eat all the chocolate! We went to dinner and I ordered a plate of cheese fries. It was heavenly.
Aversions: Still can’t do big chunks of beef or chicken at a time. bleh.
Looking Forward to: Going to the beach in a couple of weeks. Bobby has to take continuing legal education classes every summer so me and my parents are tagging it along. It’s the only “babymoon” we will get but I’ll take it! We will be going to our favorite bed and breakfast right on the beach. It’s adults only, so I will definitely be enjoying that aspect while I can.
What I’m Loving: Lots and lots of baby kicks! Bobby can definitely feel (and see!) them now too, so we have fun laying still and watching her go to town.
Workouts: Oh boy. Not so good yall, and I hate it. I never thought I would be one of those pregnant women that had issues running, because I was in such good running shape when I got pregnant! It has gotten to where I have pelvic pain even when I am power walking for too long, so I am looking into over workouts like prenatal DVD’s etc. Anyone have recommendations?
QOTD: prenatal DVD recommendations?
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Love the bump-update picture! You look amazing!!
You look so cute! I hate all the end of pregnancy discomforts – it’s hard carrying that extra weight! You’ll feel so much better once she’s out!
can we FF to september? lol!
I’ve been doing a lot more yoga lately, at least twice a week. It seems to help my back and hip pains! I don’t have prenatal yoga just regular yoga DVDs that I modify certain positions I can’t do anymore. I just got the skinny girl yoga DVDs and I like them for a relatively “easy” yoga workout and you can choose different segments to either have a 15 minute or up to 50 minute workout. I also like bob harpers yoga for the warrior for more of a challenge. 🙂 good luck!!
Thanks! I tried doing some on my own yesterday and it made me SORE! I feel pathetic.
I love feeling the baby kicks! How exciting. I am also 24 weeks and have been using the Summer Sanders DVD, Tracy Anderson and a few on YouTube.
thanks will check it out!
I did an aqua aerobics class for pregnant women. It was glorious. And I always slept extra well on the nights I did it.
sadly I am not a member of a gym 🙁
i sooooo missed (and still miss!) racing!!
hopefully you can soon!
Try prenatal yoga videos. They worked wonders for me. I had terrible sciatica with my first and that was the only thing that helped. My husband would find me doing it several times a day. Sometimes inthe middle of the night to relieve back pain.
yikes! That’s awful!
You’re looking great Heather! Enjoy the babymoon.
thank you!
You look great! And I can’t believe how far along you are already! As for the pain, that is annoying. Every pregnancy is so different- you never know what symptoms you will get. Have you tried swimming? I LOVED it through my first pregnancy. I’ve been meaning to make it back to the pool this time around but it’s been harder to get there. This weekend it’s on the to do list!
We aren’t a member of a gym right now so it’s tough to get to a pool. Hopefully soon!
The beach sounds like a wonderful and relaxing babymoon! Have fun!!
thanks ! 🙂
I love your bump! Congrats on week 24!
it’s starting to get in the way haha
I love reading your pregnancy updates. As a fellow member of the currently pregnant club, I totally understand you in regards to the whole fitness thing! It’s so hard to go from being really active, to your body not allowing you to do what you were so accustomed to! Like you, I miss a good, hard, sweaty run/workout! Thanks for the updates, I look forward to the next one! Have a great babymoon! As far as DVDs, I have read that Sara Haley has a good prenatal workout DVD.
thanks for the sweet words!
Summer sanders has a prenatal DVD that is really good as well as Lindsay brin with moms into fitness. Check them out.
thank you!!!!
The time you are 24 weeks pregnant, the baby has a chance of survival if he or she is born. Most babies born before this time cannot live because their lungs and other vital organs are not developed enough. The care that can now be given in neonatal (baby) units means that more and more babies born early do survive. But for babies born at around this time, there are increased risks of disability.