Last week of the second trimester! If you would have asked me at week 9 that I would get to the third trimester and it would seem to have flown by I would have laughed at you. Time went SO SLOWLY back then! I will be honest and say I feel really unprepared. I have read a couple of books, but other than that we have nothing “ready”. I guess I’m still in denial.
Symptoms: No new symptoms so that’s good! I must say my face is REALLY clear, probably more clear than it has EVER been. When I leave the house I throw on some mascara and blush and that’s it, it’s so nice! Still just feel like I’m slowing down and can’t do as much. I take occasional naps but not every day. Still very short of breath, but happy to say with Tums the heartburn is under control. Same round ligament pain, but I am going to try a new KT Tape application this week, I will let you know if it works!
Baby’s Size: Head of cauliflower
Maternity Clothes: Nothing new
Stretch marks: Nothing new
Sleep: A little better this week. Only getting up once or twice as opposed to 2-3 times. However, yesterday morning I woke up at 4 and was awake until 6. Then I had to get up at 6:30 so that wasn’t a lot of fun.
Miss anything: I know I say this a lot, but I am really just ready already to have my body back.
Cravings: Sweets. Lots and lots of sweets.
Aversions: Nothing new. I just can’t eat a lot at one time or anything really heavy.
Looking Forward to: My ultrasound on Monday morning
What I’m loving: Not feeling guilty about the extra sweets I have been eating. While I do want my body back, it has also been nice to cut myself a little slack for a few months.
Workouts: Not great this week. We have had a lot going on and it has been brutally hot, so if I am busy in the morning, then a workout just doesn’t happen. We don’t have a gym membership right now so it has been tough.
QOTD: Did you ever feel prepared before your baby came?
Who watched the World Cup yesterday? Thoughts?

You look great! Can’t believe you’re so close already!
I know. Seems like I was just calling you to tell you I was pregnant!
You look great! And that maxi skirt outfit is so cute!
thank you!
I don’t know if you ever really feel prepared- and every baby is so different, they teach you what they need. 🙂 Getting close now!!
YOU are getting close, lady!
I bet your nesting instinct will kick in during your last trimester-besides I bet it’s hard to want to get a nursery set up if you are not in a permanent place.
The game yesterday was insane! I meant to look up how many goals Tim Howard saved for our team-he was crazy good!
You look great!
It is so so tough to not have a nursery or even a bedroom for the baby. I am thankful for what we have but ready to have my own place!
You are looking great! Glad to hear the heartburn is under control!
I love your bump! And yay for clear skin!
I seriously haven’t had skin this clear since I was probably 8 or 9. So Weird.
You look great Heather! And, I’m getting close to having #5 and I NEVER feel prepared… I just looked up a list ‘what to pack for the hospital’ and I’ve packed the same bag 4 times in the last 6 years! You’ll figure it all out once she’s here! 🙂
I still can’t believe you are going to have 5! #superwoman.
You look precious Heather! I know I say that every update but I think you just keep getting cuter and cuter! No…I never felt prepared before the baby came. But you get prepared real quick when they get here lol! It’s a learning process! I thought it would be easier with my 2nd but it wasn’t lol! Both of mine are so different!
thanks girl!
Even when you think you are ready, you are not. But the good thing is that you figure it out quickly once they are home. It might take a couple days of crazy, but you’ll get the hang of it. You probably have 10 things you think you are going to need that you will never use and 5 things you thought you didnt need that you will use all the time.
One MUST have is a baby first-aid kid. And one of those thermometer things that you can use any way (arm, butt, mouth). There will be one night when you freak out and you’ll need to take that baby’s temp for peace of mind.
Gah. fear of the unknown. Going to be crazy.
I know what you mean about not being prepared; I’m reading What to Expect each month and one other baby book, but other than that? Nothing! I’ve got to schedule birthing & nursing classes soon! Time is flying lately for me, too, but even though I look/feel more pregnant each day, it still seems surreal.
You look great! Keep cutting yourself slack for all the sweets; that’s what I’m doing. 🙂
Hey Heather you look great hope you are so much exicted. BTW the photos are great. Take care