Hello last week of my 20’s (and last year of my 20’s!) Fun fact: I was 28 weeks pregnant at age 28, and 29 weeks pregnant at age 29. How cool is that? It’s the little things.
This past week was quite the whirlwind, and not going to lie I have been a little overwhelmed. Still waiting for a few things to fall into place then I can share some fun news with you all.
Symptoms: This is the first week since my first trimester that I felt like my hormones were all over the place. I am sure a lot has to do with all of the thing we are going through right now other than me being pregnant, but I found myself just wanting to burst into tears a few times this past week, which was definitely odd because I was aware it was happening, but there was still nothing I could do about it.
Trying to pack up an entire house in your third trimester is not recommended. Talk about exhausted and sore! I almost fell asleep at the dinner table. My feet hurt like they do when I run a marathon, and my back and hips were throbbing after the two days we packed up the house. it had to be done though, and I am glad we got it over with, and I can unpack at a much slower pace. It’s been so hot here, and I have started noticing swelling in my feet. I am trying to elevate them, wear compression socks, and drink lots of water but haven’t noticed a ton of difference yet.
Still feeling lots of kicks, jabs and rolls, and I have another appointment next Monday with my doctor. This two week business makes me feel like I am always there!
Baby’s Size: Acorn squash (what the heck is that?)
Maternity Clothes: None, and hopefully no more. I don’t want to spend money on them at this point, so I apologize because you will see me wear the same things over and over for 2.5 more months!
Stretch Marks: Not that I can see, but I did have a nightmare this week that I got them all over my biceps and triceps, how weird is that?
Sleep: Sleep was really bad at the beginning of the week, but the past 2-3 nights have been much better. I am still getting up 2-4 times a night to go to the bathroom, but I am falling back asleep easier than I was before.
Miss Anything: Energy, feeling like “me”. The old me would have had no problem working hard packing up the house, and it’s been hard accepting limitations.
Cravings: Carbs and sugar. How healthy! I do eat sugar every day but try to limit it to a snack after dinner, and with my iced coffee.
Aversions: I just feel blah in general certain days to food, but then sometimes I am really hungry. I will never understand.
I did however eat a lot of cake last weekend.
Looking Forward to: Getting some things settled in our personal lives, which should happen by the end of July.
What I’m Loving: Setting up our newborn photography session! My birthday present from Bobby.
Workouts: Packing for two days was pretty brutal, then I rested Friday and had baby shower and birthday Saturday/Sunday, traveled home Monday, rained all day Tuesday. Hope to get in a walk today!
QOTD: Did you do newborn pictures of your baby?
What is the weirdest dream you ever had?

You look great! I refused to buy more maternity clothes so late in the game, too, and ended up in Jeff’s clothes by 35ish weeks. Pregnancy is so glamourous.
You look great! I’m so happy we are moving during my first trimester instead of the third. You’re such a champ for getting it done. I hope the hubbys been giving you some massages 🙂
Yea for 29 weeks! I was 29 weeks when I ran the princess half earlier this year! UGH!
Packing is worse because it is an all day thing and not just 3 hours of awful! About maternity clothing, I never bought any new everyday clothing when I was pregnant with #2 so I just kept re-wearing all my old clothing and they are super stretchy. That’s the beautify of maternity clothing. Just stay comfy and cool! You look fabulous!
I love newborn sessions. I’m a photographer so I’m cheap and do my own for my babies. It’s a lot of fun and such a nice memory to have of your kids.
You might try drinking lemon water to help with the swelling. It’s helped me a lot to keep my ankles from becoming cankles 🙂
I hear you on the exhaustion…zzzzzzzzzzz
Weirdest dream (and it repeated several times) was being chased by sandhill cranes. They were trying to peck my pregnant belly and would wait for me outside so I couldn’t leave my house. Really strange!
What a wonderful birthday gift from Bobby!! You are looking great, and I totally don’t blame you for not wanting to spend tons of money on clothes you’ll only be wearing for a few months!
You’re just too cute!
haha that’s funny about you dreaming of stretch marks on your biceps and triceps! i did have newborn pix… more because my sister is a newborn photographer and took pictures of him everyday for the first month when he was born lol
Yay girl!!!! You’re so close!!! I understand about the moving…we moved when I was 34 weeks pregnant with my second. It was awful!!!
I’ve been praying for you and I hope whatever is going on, that you’ll be able to share good news soon! I would start wearing Bobby’s clothes, no shame in that. I wouldn’t buy new clothes either. You look great!
I broke down and purchased a couple Large Under Armor workout pants, but I figure I can use these postpartum. I bought them at the outlets during a huge sale, so I don’t feel too bad about the spending.
You are looking fabulous, even if you don’t feel so great! =) I know exactly what it’s like to pack & move during pregnancy. Our house won’t be ready until three weeks before I’m due, so unpacking should be loads of fun…. lol. Why do we torture ourselves?
That cake looks yummy! Happy week 29! 🙂
I love the timing of your pregnancy! How many people can say they have had that experience?
How cool your weeks line up with your birthday! Wishing you some much needed rest in the upcoming weeks! I was tired after my shower and party this weekend, I can’t imagine packing, too. Hang in there!!
I hate packing. I’ve never been pregnant so I don’t know what that’s like but I can’t stand the packing process. My best friend is pregnant and she’s really tired too though so I can see how it must be exhausting! You look great! And thanks for the tutu recommendations, Lesley made my ToT tutu and I love it!
Packing sucks, so I can’t imagine doing it pregnant. Power to you!
For the first time (apart from when I first found out I was pregnant), my hormones have been all over the place, too! Cry, laugh, yell, punch the wall?…I feel like I could do it all in a the course of a minute.
Sounds like you still managed to have a great birthday, though.
I do not envy you! At 25 weeks my office was moving and my boss made me pack and move her office (plus my own) and that was terrible! I cannot imagine moving a house right now! My feet have been swelling something awful too. I’ve taken to soaking them in a cool bath.
you look amazing!!!
thanks friend!
You look wonderful! I didn’t do newborn shots with my first and I wish I would have. I did with my second and love them! Especially the sisters shot the photographer got. My favorite pic of all time!
aw sibling shots are so cute!
You’re so close! You look amazing too! I am so excited to hear the big news and “meet” the new little one