6 weeks to go! I remember envying the women this close back when I was earlier in my pregnancy, and I can’t believe it’s me! I got back to the doctor in two weeks then after that every week, which blows my mind. I’m excited but petrified at the same time. I do not feel prepared, but am way more calm than I anticipated I would be at this stage. Possibly still in denial? I have been so busy unpacking the house and working that I guess I just haven’t had as much time to fret. here’s hoping I stay calm AFTER baby M’s arrival!
Symptoms: I think baby M is dropping. I feel her movements much lower, and I am back to feeling like I have to pee non stop, so I think she is chilling on my bladder. I am achy and tired at the end of the day, and getting up from sitting is near impossible without help, but I really can’t complain. I haven’t had any real “issues” to deal with so far, and for that I am thankful! I have noticed my ears and nose are non stop stuffy, which could be pregnancy related or not, also restless legs and calf cramps have come back for some fun.
Baby’s size: Butternut squash
Maternity clothes: So my goal was to hold out and not buy anymore, but with 6 weeks to go and exactly 2 pair of shorts that fit, I broke down and bought another pair. I also bought a dress on sale for $18 at Old Navy and a tank top for $4.99. I have been rotating between the same 3 skirts every week for church and really wanted something else to add in!
Stretch marks: Still nothing, not doing anything special or using any special creams either.
Sleep: Sometimes good sometimes bad, but I am falling asleep more easily since I have been so busy during the day. I nap probably 3-4 days a week and don’t even feel bad about it!
Miss anything: I saw a wedding cake martini on a menu last night and I rrreeaalllyyyy wanted it.
Cravings: It has been SO HOT here I have been craving frozen things and popsicles non stop. Also Gatorade. Also candy. I have problems.
Aversions: Same as always friends, still having issues with chicken and beef and veggies. I eat a lot of carbs though! Oh, and cheese. Always can eat cheese.
Looking forward to: Hopefully getting the car seat installed this week and maybe even the crib put together!
What I’m loving: Shopping. I have a few gift cards and I have been hanging out in the baby section at target and Wal-mart, it’s been fun! We still have a few big items we need that I am holding off on.
Workouts: I have been wearing my fitbit every day and walking around 7-8,000 steps, which is pretty good for not having a formal walk or run, that’s just walking around my house unpacking and cleaning. I have gained zero weight in the past month (went to the doctor yesterday) so I think I am doing ok.
QOTD: Were you more calm than you thought before having your baby? What are some things I should be prioritizing right now in terms of getting prepared. Her clothes are washed, but car seat isn’t in (obviously this is a must) crib isn’t together, hospital bag isn’t packed, hospital hasn’t even been VISITED!

Not much longer girl! I was very prepared with my first but not so much with my second! My water broke in the middle of the night (he was 3 weeks early) and I still didn’t have my bag packed! So get that bag packed now girl! 😉
Yeah, I agree with Mindy. Most first babies don’t come early, but you never know. You don’t wan to risk forgetting something important. Overall, I think you’re on the right track. FYI You don’t have to have your car seat inspected. It’s just nice to know that it’s been approved and that you have it installed right.
getting close! i’ve got the stuffy nose/head thing going on too. i def think it’s a combo of pregnancy and allergies!
You’re almost there! I would probably be going crazy shopping for baby stuff if I were you too.
You look fantastic! The home stretch is definitely the best. Hopefully baby sitting lower is a sign that you won’t go over due and may even get to meet her a little bit early!
BTW, awesome top, I’m currently wearing the exact same one 😉
You will be so happy when you can breathe again after delivery! I was stuffed up all pregnancy. Can’t believe how close you are! I had Wyatt at 37w exactly aaaah!
Almost time, girl! Can’t wait to see the nursery once it’s all complete!
You look BEAUTIFUL!!!!
You look amazing! I didn’t pack a bag with my first until the week he was due. Ha! I think we installed the carseat around the same time. And here I am procrastinating again. I desperately need to get some more running shorts. 🙁 I’m down to about 3 pair that “fit”. Getting close girl!
Don’t feel bad about buying more clothes, you will still wear them awhile afterwards. Even if you shrink back down fast, its nice to have comfy/roomy clothes that still look nice for awhile after. You look great! I can’t believe you’re 34 weeks already!
You’re so close! I love your bump!
I can’t believe how close you are getting!! So exciting!
For me, this was the longest of my pregnancy. I was the most uncomfortable, and the waiting game was too much (and my LO came a couple days early)
Don’t worry about the car seat. If anything, your husband can install it while at the hospital.
Your baby won’t be sleeping in the crib a while anyway…I wouldn’t worry about it. (For us, it was 4 months)
I’d pack a bag around 37 weeks. When I went into labor, I relaxed, took a shower, and labored at home for as long as possible so you should have time, but nice to have everything packed.
Do a hospital tour. It’s so nice to see where you will be..and where you need to go!
Have a couple sleepers ready to go, diapers/wipes, feeding items (whichever way you plan to feed your LO), and sleep. Get sleep now.
Best advice is don’t get too hung up on labour or feeding, I planned a natural birth and wanted to pump, neither of which happened!
Just stay relaxed – however it happens it will be the most amazing thing in the world!
Definitely hospital bag and birth plan! Car seat and crib are a very close second!
Just try to relax (I know, am I kidding?! lol) and enjoy this time….once baby comes it’s a whirlwind – exhausting and sleepless but soooo wonderful and amazing! 🙂
haha no relaxing is happening over here!