Thank you for all the great gender reveal party suggestions yesterday! We definitely already know we want to cut into a cake to reveal the gender, which will be a secret to us as well, we just don’t know what theme to use, if we should do any kind of games or anything etc. It will be a lunchtime BBQ, so any other/more ideas shoot them my way! Instead of boring you with how every week has been so far, since my “bump” hasn’t changed that much, I am combing weeks 7-11 into one post, then tomorrow week 12 will get it’s own post and so forth.
I found out I was pregnant when I was four weeks and one day. Then my only symptoms were sore boobs and I could feel my uterus stretching. I went to the doctor for the first time at 5.5 weeks to confirm the pregnancy, and I had my first ultrasound. It was just the sac at that point, and I don’t even have pictures, but I was definitely pregnant, with a due date of September 30. I am going to recap the first weeks, please note, I realize they sound SO depressing, but that’s truly how I felt. I am also very aware of the fact that I have had it easy compared to other people, but that doesn’t mean it still wasn’t/isn’t hard for me. I know you understand what I mean! I also feel so blessed to be pregnant even though I am complaining about my symptoms, I know this is just part of it, but definitely not a fun part. 🙂
Week 6:
By the first day of week six I started experiencing “morning sickness” aka all day sickness. Mine actually started out in the evening, and wasn’t too intense, I just felt carsick and no food sounded appealing. Then, as the days went on, it got more intense and lasted for more hours in the day. It would start at 3:00, then 2:00, etc until I was sick from about an hour after I woke up until I went to bed. No vomiting, just very nauseated and zero appetite. But, I HAD to eat because when I didn’t, I felt worse. For three weeks I basically lived on baked potatoes, bagels, popcorn, saltines, and ginger ale. I still had sore and huge boobs, and started getting restless legs at night. I was EXHAUSTED and was sleeping 9-10 hours at night and taking naps whenever I could. Getting to 13 weeks seemed so daunting at this point.
Week 7:
Nausea was getting worse and lasting longer, and exhaustion was getting worse. The thought of working out made me want to cry, and the thought of running the glass slipper challenge was making me more and more nervous. New symptoms of excess saliva and constipation emerged, as well as extreme bloating. I felt very defeated and like it would never end, and wanted to punch anyone in the face who ever said they “loved” being pregnant. I went back to the doctor for another ultrasound and got to see the little heartbeat! It was super cool. 143 bpm.
Week 8:
We told my parents about the baby, and went to Disney so I can run all three races. I felt miserable because I had been looking forward to this trip with Bobby and my parents, and I was upset I felt so bad the majority of the time. I went to bed early every night, napped after every race for two hours, and was just generally in a bad mood because I felt so bad. Eating was no fun, I wanted to enjoy my favorite Disney foods but couldn’t stomach most of them. Running the races was difficult, and getting up at 2:45 was brutal. It’s usually brutal anyway, but with my fatigue it was near impossible. Don’t get me wrong I still had some fun moments with my family, it was just a very different trip then usual.
Week 9:
This is when my morning sickness “peaked, between 9.5-10.5 weeks. It got so intense I couldn’t get out of bed, go to the store, or do my work Thankfully my sweet husband took care of shopping and meals. I just did the minimum to get by, and hoped people would understand. I had many times I wished I could throw up but it just didn’t happen. I have never been a pukey person so I honestly wasn’t surprised. I felt like I had been hit by a truck and the days seemed to drag on, I just wanted to get to week 13 so badly in hopes it would ease up.
Week 10:
Basically the same as week 9, so I won’t be redundant. At the end of the week nausea started to ease up in intensity, but frequency was still there. Starting to show this week, can’t fit into any of my jeans. Same symptoms still there, with the added bonus of breaking out all over my face and shoulders. I felt like I was 13 again!
Week 11:
Light at the end of the tunnel maybe? I still felt sick but not nearly as intense, unless I didn’t eat enough. I got tired of forcing myself to eat when I have zero appetite. However, I was able to reintroduce more food back into my diet this week. Still bloated and such, but symptoms seem to be “calming down” all around if that makes sense. I was able to run/walk twice, once for three miles and once for two miles. I still don’t feel myself and get tired easily, but at the same time if felt good to do something active and I was super proud of myself. We had another appointment, and the doctor couldn’t hear the heartbeat with the Doppler. I may have freaked a little, so we did an ultrasound and got to see baby doing a jig in my belly. This scares me. Bobby was a VERY hyper and difficult child.
Since first appointment in January…..
Weight Gained: 0 pounds (blows my mind because I swear I gained at least a pound in my boobs. must be muscle loss.)
Gender prediction: Right now, feeling girl
Cravings: Anything cold like a slushie or ice cream, or snowball….aahhhh
Stretch marks: Not yet, fingers crossed!
Sleep: 9-10 hours a night, sometimes naps, waking up twice to go to the bathroom is the new norm
I am so excited to share weekly updates with yall starting tomorrow! Then Thursday my Princess half recap will be up! Thanks for your patience.
QOTD: When you were pregnant did you get sick? If you haven’t been pregnant, do you plan to run or workout during pregnancy?

I hope to continue running through pregnancy someday! There are so many awesome and inspirational women who continue to do so and share their journey (like you!) and it encourages me that hopefully one day I can do the same 🙂
Karen @karenlovestorun
I hope I am lucky and healthy enough to be able to!
I love reading pregnancy posts! Even though I’m not pregnant, nor planning to be anytime soon, it’s always interesting to see how different people’s experiences are.
The first tri is the worst! I hope you get some relief soon. That being said, I’ll never understand the people who say they love being pregnant! I already peed my pants today ha.
Oh yeah, I was so miserable. And when you’re in the midst of it, you feel like no one gets it. I unfortunately did throw up…and trust me it didn’t actually help. I would puke before I left for work and again once I got to work. No fun! I hope you continue to feel better from this point forward.
The worst is trying to explain it to my husband!
So cute! can’t wait to see your weekly updates! 🙂
The gender reveal cake is a great idea!! That is so fun that you and Bobby will be surprised too! I am excited to read along with your journey – loving the pictures already!
You are so cute!!! The first trimester is always the worst! I was nauseated ALL day long with both of mine. With the first one, as long as I didn’t let my stomach get too empty it helped. I carried goldfish around with me everywhere lol! With the second, nothing helped. I was nauseous no matter what and even threw up a few times…which never helped me feel any better. Hang in there! You’re almost through the rough part! The second trimester is the fun one! You start feeling better, you’re not as tired, and your belly starts to pop! Plus…you get to find out the gender! Fun!!!
I totally just finished off a bag of goldfish yesterday lol
When I was pregnant I felt like you, never threw up but felt like it and had many food aversions. The worst was with my son. I only worked out with my last two pregnancies. No running, lots of walking, Pilates and yoga.
I need to get back into yoga!
My first trimester wasn’t bad with either of my pregnancies. I was definitely exhausted, and nights were worse than mornings, but I can’t complain too much. I paid dearly during my first with gallstones though. If you asked most people, they would tell you I was extremely sick because of that. It’ll start to ease up soon, then you can enjoy 2nd tri!
Mine wasn’t as severe as yours but I had the same nausea with no throwing up for the first trimester. You should start to get some relief soon! I had major food aversions as well- I lived off of buttered noodles for 2 months! I wasn’t able to keep exercising, but I had a high risk pregnancy so that played into that as well.
I hope you start feeling better soon!
I was due Sept 29th last year, and your morning sickness sounds exactly like mine. I only got sick once, but was miserable for weeks. It does get better, although for me the random bouts of nausea never really ended. I had an amazing little girl on Sept 23rd, and wish you an amazing rest of your pregnancy. It goes by fast!
i wasn’t sick in the first trimester but i was definitely nauseated. i didn’t gain either, i actually lost, and i attributed it to muscle loss, as well.
Your first trimester sounds a lot like mine. I was queasy but never throwing up, and I pretty much LIVED on baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, and all things potato. I hope you are feeling a bit better now!!
I have 3 boys, and morning sickness is no joke! I didn’t have it as bad as some, but still, it’s not fun. With each pregnancy the nausea lasted longer & longer, and with my last I only had about 4 weeks towards the end of the 2nd tri that I didn’t feel sick – and then it came back again.
Something that really helped me, but may sound a little strange is Jolly Rancher hard candies. Something about sucking on that sour/sweet candy really did help me feel better. Of course, I’ll never be able to eat them again without thinking about morning sickness, but it’s a small price to pay.
I have a bag in my purse 🙂 helps with the excess saliva!
I’m 14 weeks right now and have just started running again after taking some time off starting around 7 weeks. I was just so tired for the past month or so that I didn’t have the energy to run, but it’s feeling good right now and I plan to keep it up as long as I can!
I hope I feel like you at 14 weeks!
Thinking good thoughts for you that you will!
Yikes I can’t imagine feeling that sick all the time! I’ve heard from many people that have had similar experiences. It will get better! 🙂
Oh goodness…your question – it brings back so many memories!! With my first one I was sick CONSTANTLY. I don’t think I got any relief until I hit the three month mark. So pretty much for two months straight I was vomiting on a daily basis and usually at the most unpredictable times. In line at the grocery store, driving in the car, anytime my husband even came near me. He started to feel bad because he would walk in the room and I would dart for the bathroom (if it was in reach) or grab a trash can if the bathroom was too far away. I remember sitting on the toilet to pee and having to puke at the same time so I leaned over to (sort of) reach the sink. It was not pretty. So just know that I completely understand how it is to feel sick all the time. It is NO fun! I did have two more pregnancies after that one and they all came with some degree of morning sickness, but they did seem to get less with each one…either that or I just got really good at learning my triggers. 🙂
This is definitely an exciting time, but it is also challenging as your body will betray you a LOT throughout (heartburn, constipation, you name it!!). So just keep truckin’ and going day by day!
Hang in there. I had all day sickness (and got sick) from 5 weeks to about 16 weeks. After that I started feeling better after a throw up session first thing in the morning. This carried on until the day I gave birth! During my pregnancy nothing tasted or sounded good & the thought of having ginger “to ease the nausea” just made me want to throw up some more. Other than feeling ill I had a great pregnancy with no complications or any other niggles. Had a beautiful baby boy at 38 weeks and 6 days. So my point is, I was also hoping & praying that I would feel better after 12 weeks, but it took a little longer. Every pregnancy and person is different. Definitely not one size fits all. Very annoying I know because you just want answers and want to stop feeling sick. I know it feels like forever, but you will feel better eventually. Just want to give you a hug!
Love your post it is so cute! I also look forward to reading your posts and seeing your bumb grow! I havent been preggo but hoping that when I do someday that I can still run! Have you talked to your doctor about getting some zofran for nausea? Im a nurse and I have taken it myself and given it many times and its a miracle drug for nausea! If you haven’t you should talk to your doctor about it!
I am taking it, I have already had to get a refill 🙂
Okay I missed this announcement! Congratulations!!! <3
I love honest posts! I hope your next trimester is better! I am not pregnant but I do plan to run and stay as active as possible if I ever am pregnant.
Congratulations!!! First trimester is definitely low energy/borderline depressing for active people. It’s like there’s nothing you can do but veg on the couch! We couldn’t do a party with our parents/family since all live out of state, so we did gender reveal bags for them! We did cake pops for our local friends, giving them mustaches or lips for guessing! (Link: Best wishes entering your second trimester, it’s like a honeymoon!!!
Aw, this is so exciting! I understand how tough those weeks of feeling sick can be. I was nauseated with my first (a girl), but nothing too bad, then with this pregnancy (also a girl!), I was sick until about week 18. I remember breaking down in tears a couple times just wanting the queasiness to subside for even just a few minutes.
Hopefully you are in the clear now and free to enjoy the second tri! Congrats again!
I haven’t read through the comments so sorry if this is a duplicate. My sister in law had a gender reveal party. We were all asked to wear pink or blue, depending on what we thought the baby would be. Her and her husband opened a box of balloons to reveal the gender. It was fun because they didn’t know either. Have fun! I think gender reveal parties are so much fun!
Great article. I will be dealing with some of these issues as