The title of this post makes me laugh a little. I like to post “prep posts” before runDisney races letting everyone know where I will be, what I will be doing, and how I am preparing for the race. Well, this is my first time (and last, sadly since it’s going away) participating in the runDisney Expedition Everest Challenge, so I really don’t know what to expect. BUT, since I ran a marathon last month, and this is a 5k, I think I will be ok physically.
I will say, Everest has always been fascinating to me because it’s SO different from other races, and honestly I have had a hard time finding a lot of information or pictures of the actual race and after party, so don’t worry I will be sure to take plenty for your viewing pleasure. So since I have never run the race, there isn’t much to say by way of preparations, so let’s move on to the rest of the trip.
Usually I am super stoked about race weekends because there is so much fun and hype surrounding them. EE is kind of the runDisney red headed step child, so I’m honestly not surprised this is the last year. I’m not as excited about the actual race as I have been in years past for other races with big expos and fanfare. However, I am excited about the cool medal, and the REAL reason for this trip. To run away. Ah, yes. Jen and I have had this plan in the works since I was pregnant. fellow moms you know the drill, you just need to get away sometimes with your girlfriends, right? It’s for our sanity. It makes us better moms. I can justice the mess out of this one you guys.
We will be arriving next Friday, and staying until Tuesday at Disney’s Caribbean Beach resort. I’m excited to stay here because 1.) I never have, the only time I have even BEEN there is on the magical express bus dropping off or picking up people, so I will be taking a ton of photos, and 2.) They just refurbished the rooms, so I am anxious to see how Disney did as far as that goes. It also helps Caribbean beach was the only moderate host resort for EE, so, we were kind of forced into it.
Jen and I are running as a team. Our team name is “runaway moms” because, well, I feel it’s fairly self explanatory. The best part is, aside from the race and a few dining reservation, we don’t have any “major” plans for our time there. We will just be relaxing, hanging out, and eating. Lots and lots of eating.
We will be eating at Narcoossees, Mama Melrose, Liberty Tree Tavern, and some others as well as indulging in well….whatever we want to eat! I have fond memories of eating at Narcoossees with Jen on our very first girls trip together back in 2009. Crazy we have been going to Disney together since then!
This is from the first time we met back in January 2009. We later went on a girls trip in July of that year.
Jen and I have long discussed the need for girls trips, as we clearly believe in them, but we don’t think our spouses exactly “get it”. Don’t get me wrong, I love traveling with my husband and my family, but there is just something different about a girls only trip. Would you agree? What am I getting at? I’m not quite sure I can put my finger on it. Any thoughts?
Be sure to follow #RunawayMoms while we are there, and if you are running the race too, we would love to say hi! We will be the ones running around not sure of what to do with ourselves with no babies to hold or diapers to change. We will miss them, but I think we will be ok.
QOTD: Who has done Expedition Everest? Any tips? Will you be there? Do you go on girls or guys only trips? Why do they seem so different or more relaxing than just traveling with a spouse (clearly they are more relaxing than traveling with kids for obvious reasons).

I’m so excited! And OMG that last picture. No wrinkles! My kids really did age me. 😉
I was looking at my wrinkles this morning. wah.
I’ll be there too! …it will be my first RunDisney race. AND it will be a getaway trip for me as well. My hubby and I are celebrating out 10 year anniversary and it will be our first time away with no kids (we have 4). Yay! So excited…but nervous at the same time. I’m trying not to freak out while I prepare for our trip. 7 days!!!! Eeeek!
oh fun! I can’t believe you haven’t been away without your kids yet! Crazy! I have already left EK twice haha
I ran Expedition Everest two years ago. It was my first RunDisney race and was so much fun! Two pieces of advice — 1) you’ll run much more than a 5k (I think my watch said it was closer to 6 miles) because after the actual race you’ll go back into the park to solve all of the clues. They were very spread out, so you’ll cover most of the park. 2) some of the clues are tough! I found a few practice ones online, and you’ll get some at the expo, so use those to get a feel for what they’ll ask. Also, a mini flashlight is highly recommended so you can read in the dark! Good luck and have fun!
Thanks for the tips!
I’m really curious to hear your thoughts about the Caribbean resort. I’m thinking about staying there for Wine and Dine.
I will post about them!
The CBR is my favorite, so jealous! Last time we were there we stayed in the Martinique village and we loved it. Enjoy your girls’ weekend, I hope to have one of those one day!!
I can’t wait to see the new rooms!
I totally agree that there is almost no info about EE out there. I really can’t wait to read your recap! Have fun!!!
Oh I would definitely meet up with you for a mom’s getaway too. I don’t really have anyone to go with and that sounds like so much fun! I am really jealous now. I would love to run a Disney race too. Sigh.
I went on a girls’ trip in 2013 when one of us was 12 weeks pregnant – so fun! Now we have an 11 month old, 7 month old (mine, as of today!), and 2 week old. Probably our next trip will be in about 18 years lol. My husband and I were invited to a wedding an hour away in June and my mom offered to watch our son. I’ve been freaking out and need to return the invitation but I finally decided I just can’t do it. Maybe by the time he’s in kindergarten I can leave him overnight. Now I can barely make it through the work day!
Too funny! I have already left my baby for 8 nights haha. I’m super independent and need my time by myself. EK will be 7 months tomorrow!
HOW FUN! Sad that this race is going away but it isn’t as popular as the others. I wonder if they will put another race in its place? Also Disneyland is getting all the races now. I feel like there aren’t any more races at WDW anymore! DL is too far away. Hoping they start adding more races in for us East Coasters! Good luck and enjoy all that yummy Disney food! Dole Whips here you come!