Hi friends! Michelle and I safetly made it to our hotel last night. I found a Starbucks while I waited for her to land!
Our hotel is so nice! We headed to Bed Bath and Beyond to buy bins for the Skirts And Then ate at Panera Bread at the beautiful mall attached to the hotel! Providence is so nice and so cute!
We are both zonked so I will try to post more tomorrow. Busy busy day coming up!
QOTD: what do you order at Starbucks?
please please enter my raffle! For a great cause and win cute running skirts gear!

Good luck at the Expo this morning!!! :0) Fun times!
Take some time to wander around Brown for some funky stores, dinner on Federal Hill (amazing Italian food!!) and the gallery at RISD (Rhode island School of Design)…. It’s too bad Steve’s Ice Cream went defunct oh-so-many years ago. It was worth a trip to Providence just for that! BTW, not sure whether you call them subs or hoagies, but in Providence they’re called “grinders”….! LOL
So glad you made it. Good luck at the expo!
Hope you have a great day at the Expo!
I have been phasing out Starbucks, but my sister introduced me to the Mocha Coconut Frappucino a few weeks ago. It is SO yummy! But get it nonfat, because you will faint if you drink the regular and look at the nurtrition info.
Have a fun expo!
I used to get a grande nonfat green tea latte, extra hot, 2 pumps of melon…or iced. But, I don’t think they have that anymore, so it’s usually just a grande nonfat latte extra hot. Or a venti iced coffee with nonfat milk. OR a venti passion iced tea with lemonade! mmmmm…
As for snacks, I love love love the mini peanut butter chocolate cupcakes. The PB frosting is amazing!
What don’t I get at Starbucks? Ha! Normally I get a Skinny Vanilla Latte. If I want to splurge (on calories) I get a White Chocolate Mocha. But my all time favorite? Eggnog Latte!! But I won’t drink them until after Thanksgiving.
Good luck at the expo!!
OMG…yes, I can’t believe I forgot to put eggnog latte in my comment! Nonfat eggnog latte, extra hot! oooohhhhh yeahhhhhhhh…..
I used to work at Starbucks … many years ago … so I used to create my own drinks (until I started paying attention to what I actually eat). One of my favorite creations was the Gingerbread White Chocolate Mocha, which is only available during the holiday season. I also created what I call a Cookies and Cream Frappucino, which is cross between the Vanilla Bean and the Double Chocolate Chip (the vanilla bean powder and the java chips). Both are super delicious and ridiculously sweet.
Nowadays I order regular brewed coffee and I put exactly two tablespoons of cream in it (only 45 calories). But if I want something sweet, I order a grande Sugar-free Vanilla Soy Latte (170 calories).
I usually order a soy milk latte. No sweeteners. I drink soy milk because I’m lactose intolerant but actually I love the way it tastes, especially in coffee — it has a nutty taste that I think goes really well with it. Anyway, if it’s hot out, I’ll get it iced. MMmmmm.