Gggggoooodddd morning! It’s another bright sunny day here on the coast! I hope you are having a fabulous morning! You are in luck because not only is today St. Patrick’s Day, but it’s GIVEAWAY DAY! Are you excited? Well you should be! Stacy at Punkeelove Headbands contacted me a couple of weeks ago about me doing a review and giveaway for them, and I was more than happy to oblige! She sent me two headbands to try out, then tell you about. and, AND, you can win one of your very own, and you get to pick out which one you want! How cool is that? First, check out my review and then I will give you all the deets you need to score one of your own.
As I mentioned before, Stacy sent me two headbands to try out.
The thing that is different about these headbands, that I have actually never seen before, is that they are adjustable!
You can adjust the black strap and tuck the excess in a hole just under the Punkeelove headbands logo. Neat! It took me a minute to figure out which fit was best for me, but now that I know I never have to change it again. The underside of the headbands is a cute purple velvet material that keeps the headband from slipping.
here is me after a three mile run, no slipping!
I wore the thick band the other day when I spent the whole day cleaning out my old house. I liked it just fine, but think I like the thin ones better.
I wore it for 12 hours, and my head did start to hurt a tiny bit on hour 12, but lets be realistic, what normal person wears a headband for 12 hours? (ignore how awful I looked, I had driven 3 hours and then deep cleaned with bleach for another 3…I think the fumes were getting to me!) So far, I give these headbands two thumbs up. After all, not slipping after cleaning a house all day or running? That’s as good as it gets in my opinion!
A few things about Punkeelove headbands for your reading pleasure:
-Go HERE to find out how they got started, it’s a fun story!
-They have tons of designs to choose from, and for a small fee, you can even have them embroidered for your team, etc.
-The customer service seems top notch. If your button for adjusting comes off, they will send you mending kit for free to fix it, or even fix it for you!
-They also have a Facebook Page you should check out.
I know I know so you want to know how to win one of your own right? Here is how it works:
-Giveaway is open to anyone
-Giveaway ends next Monday at midnight Central time. So you have 5 days to enter.
Here is how you enter:
1.) must be a follower of my blog (comment and say you are, 1 entry)
2.) Go to and tell me which headband you would choose if you win (1 entry, separate comment)
3.) Join Punkeelove Headbands Facebook page and/or leave a comment telling them you are entering the Running with Sass giveaway and why you think you will love their product. (2 entries, sepearate comments) then come back here and tell me you did and which/both.
4.) tell the world! retweet, post on Faccebook, put on your blog (link back here) all for one entry each, separate comment for EACH) about this giveaway.
I will choose a winner via on Tuesday and you will get to pick your headband!
make sure you are wearing green, you wouldn’t want to get pinched today!

Awesome giveaway! I’m a blog follower!
Whoa it’s hard to choose only one from their website – but I love the “Tetris dots” print!
I follow and I would love one of these! So many cute ones.
I follow your blog!
I think I would choose “When you wish upon a star”! Because dreams can come true!
If I won, I would pick Circle Flowers in the Prep section!
I made two comments on Punkeelove Headbands on Facebook! I commented that I am entering your giveaway and I made a separate comment saying “I think I will love this product because I am always looking for stylish headbands that will stay in place and that I feel confident wearing out and about all day!”
I posted your giveaway on my Facebook page!
I follow your blog!
I went to their site and I like the wish upon a star one
I tweeted!
Those are so adorable!
I joined Punkeelove Headbands facebook page and made a comment.
I posted the giveaway on my facebook page!
I’m already a follower! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
How can you choose just one? Went to their site and loved so many of the patterns! I think Dirty Martini is my favorite (what a great name!!)…hmmm..think my daughter will love these for basketball practice too!…no comments lately because I am away on military leave. But I’m still following… 🙂
I’m a follower!…count me in on the giveaway!
I follow!
I also tweeted!
I went to the site – I think I’d go with “X Marks the Spot” in pink and brown. Adorable. (it’s also the one on the left in the top photo, no? Love it.)
I follow your blog!
And I would choose the Orange Burst one. So cute!!!
I also joined them on facebook!
Great giveaway!
I follow your blog!
I follow your blog and you are on my blog roll on my blog!
I would want to win the ‘be aware 7/8″ ‘ one, in honor of my Grandmother who passed away from breast cancer.
I follow your blog and you are on my blog roll on mine; 🙂
I tweeted it! @jessywuv
I follow you!
So many cute things to choose from on their site! I liked doodle and circle flowers the best.
I follow you!
I’m a follower of Running With Sass!
I like the LE – 1.5″ Pink and Black Stripes
I joined their group on FB.
I love the “magenta flowers” design!
I like that they are adjustable.
I became a fan of Punkeelove headbands on FB!
I am posting a link to this giveaway on my blog.
I posted on Punkeelove’s FB wall!
I put a link to this giveaway on my blog!
I read your blog everyday! I like the thinner Punkeelove headband better. Have a great day!!
I am a follower!!!
Those are REALLY cute! Now that I’m getting into running I’m already looking for better ways to keep sweat and hair out of my face.
I follow. 🙂
I like the orange burst headband myself.
I follow your blog!
I would want: Fist Full of Black in the Air 1″
I joined their facebook page.
I left them a comment on facebook saying that I’m entering your giveaway.
I tweeted your giveaway.
I would love to have the chocolate swirls, or the chocolate confetti. They have tons of cute headbands. I would love to have a huge collection!!! Great giveaway!
Im a follower of your blog. I love it!!
All my facebook friends will know about you now!!
Great Giveaway! I am a follower of your blog! 🙂
I follow your blog:)
I love the Black and Green Hibiscus headband!!
I’m a follower of your blog
I tweeted!
Linked this on my blog
I’m a follower!
I would choose NB Bule Pink Hearts headband
Joined FB site
Posted on FB page about giveway
Linking giveaway to my blog,
I’m a follower!!
I would pick either the Sidewinder or the Autumn Day
I tweeted!
Already a follower. Absolutely love your blog 🙂
Posted on my blog.
I am a follower
if I were to win this giveaway I would give it to my friend who is injured so I would let her have her pick of bands!
I joined their facebook page
I commented on their facebook page
I tweeted this
I follow your blog
I like Flower Row 7/8″
I’m a follower!! 🙂
I love the 1.5″ Rainbow Pretzel.
I am follower. I also Liked them on Facebook and left them a comment! I like the Smashbox headband Burberree Green headband, in fact they area ll pretty cool!
I follow your blog, congrats on the mag cover. So cute!
And I love the Pretzel Knot headband!
I liked them on FB
On the facebook page I commented on how I love that these are adjustable. Can’t wait to try it out!
I enjoy getting your emails!
I’m a follower 🙂
I love the spring flowers!
joined their Fb page!
I follow your blog via Google Reader!
annnd I love “hopscotch blue” in the “prep” category!