Good morning! I know I usually do a Friday Favorites post today, but nothing really jumped out at me to write about this week so I decided to skip it. Yesterday, I was planning on my first run in almost two weeks… but the calf of my injured foot was strangely tight and sore, so I decided to wait ONE more day. But, just to test out the foot, I put on my running shoes and decided to take the girls for a walk so I could jog a little and see how I felt. But first, this is how the afternoon transpired.
It was cold yesterday, so I put sweaters on the girls. Bella HATES her sweaters for some unknown reason. When you put it on her, she stands frozen, still as a statue until you physically move her and after awhile she forgets she is wearing said sweater. This is Bella five minutes after I put her sweater on.
Why, mommy, why, it’s like a straight jacket!
Sassy on the other hand, loves her sweaters and prances around in them. But whenever I pull out the camera, she does the goofiest stuff. Exhibit A, crazy eyes:
Please note Bella in the background standing in the same position, in a state of pure terror.
I felt bad for torturing the girls, even though it was for their own good, so I told them we were going outside. Bella lloovveesss outside. This is the look I get when I head towards the door:
It was a BEAUTIFUL day, so I sat in the sunshine while the girls played…and while they…mooned the camera.
Exhibit B of Sassy the weird-o dog:
aaaannnddd Exhibit C, I call this her gangster face.
yo yo yo I’m sass-a-frass but you can call me Big Mama
Finally, I said the magical 4 letter word, and we were off on our walk.
Did she just say W-A-L-K?
Circuit Training
My foot did fine, so I have high hopes for tomorrow. It will be a slow, short run, but a run non the less, and I am pumped! So pumped in fact, that I had to do SOMETHING active, so I decided to make up a quick circuit that I went through three times. Some harder moves with some fun old school exercise tape moves in between:
25 Jumping Jacks
25 standing crunches
25 grapevine
25 squats
25 front kicks
25 V steps
25 lunges
one minute rest, repeat circuit x 2 more times.
I was sweating at the end and my legs were like jello! Sometimes its fun to do an impromptu circuit in the middle of your living room while your dogs attack your ankles. I may be running slow tomorrow for more reasons than my ankle, I may not be able to move my legs when I wake up.
*In case you missed it yesterday, I am starting a new series called “RWS Features” where once a week I will feature a healthy living blog here on RWS. Just e mail at with RWS Features in the subject line and I will send you a few short questions to answer about your blog!
QOTD: Do you ever do circuits? If so, what are your favorite “moves” to include for a good workout?

I can’t get over your puppies – they are too adorable! I’m thinking I need to convince B Lee to get me a dog with a poodle mix 🙂
Bella’s frozen stance made me laugh so hard – and I immediately thought of this video my brother-in-law sent me this week. (Yes, we have a lot of deer up here in Michigan!) Too funny!
I love circuit training – I do a lot of Jillian Michaels’ videos and she almost exclusively offers circuits in her dvds. I always incorporate jumping jacks, high knees and butt kicks, mainly because I know they work at getting my heart rate up!
Aww they look too cute! Nati hates wearing clothes but loves wearing his life jacket or back pack. Weird dog. I hope you can run today! 🙂
what is a “standing crunch?”
dont know why this guy calls it a steam engine?