Saturday Bobby and I ran the race for His glory 5k at Ridgecrest Baptist Church. This was the first year they had it so I was a little nervous! My parents were in town staying with us so they came to watch, so that was fun, and we actually got pictures of us running. (iphone pics)
Thankfully, it was a cloudy morning, but it was SO HUMID. It felt like I was swimming the air was so heavy. The course was pretty flat so I was excited about that! I was really feeling it, hoping to get a new PR for my last race of the season. I was really going to try to start slower and not get caught up in everyone else starting off too fast, and then pick it up later (or maintain.) I actually had a plan! Bobby wanted to break 24 minutes, which he did. He ran a 23:50 something.
Ok so anyway we got there, got our race packets and put our bibs on at the car. (I have pictures on my real camera but Bobby is using that computer so I will put them in another post.) The race started on time, and we got into the shoot to start. My parents were meeting us there and I hadn’t seen them yet. Then my mom called my name (I didn’t even see her at first) and then there they were!
huh? who is calling my name?
oh hi, mom and dad!
and we’re off! that’s Bobby’s arm you see on the left of the picture with the iphone on his arm. He had already left me haha! Don’t I look all hardcore and serious? Ok…so maybe it’s hard to look hardcore in a skirt with flowers on it?
We started running and I exercised a LOT of willpower to stay at a 9:00 minute mile. I accidentally crept down to an 8:30 mile a couple times and made myself slow down. We ran through some neighborhoods, and I felt good the first mile. It was hard to breathe with the humidity but I was relatively ok. We get to mile one…and there is no water. WHAT! I had brought a small Gatorade and decided not to carry it since it wasn’t sunny and I was sure they would at least have plenty of water. BIG MISTAKE! I was so thirsty, and started wondering if I was going to make it. My plan was to hold a 9:00 pace for mile 2 and mile 3 to come in around a 28. Even if I had to slow to a 10 in mile 3 I could come in at 29 which would still be a PR. (See, I had a plan!) well…FINALLY at mile 1.5 we got water! I was excited. I get close, and it’s those tiny little Dixie cups with like an ounce of hot water in them! ug! I drank it, and figured I would get more at mile 2.5 and get two cups. We turn back onto the main road and I knew we were close to being done with the second mile. we were running on a main 2 lane road, and I was kind of in the middle of the lane. There are cars flying by the other way, and I could see someone coming up on my left, so I scooted over so that the runner wouldn’t get hit by a car. As I was scooting over I stepped RIGHT INTO A POTHOLE and rolled my ankle GAH!! If you know me, you know I have TERRIBLE ankles and have torn ligaments in both of them in High school sports. So, when my ankle turned it scared the MESS out of me. I stopped and got in the grass and wiggled it around and calmed down for a minute. I realized I could put weight on it so I started walking. It hurt a little but not badly. after a tenth I started jogging again. I hit the third mile and the stopping, checking, and walking slowed me down, and there was no way i was going to run a 9 min. mile on this ankle for another mile. So, I kept run walking, doing the best I could. Oh, by the way, there were NO MORE water stops! SO not only was I hobbling along, but I was hobbling along dehydrated!!! I got to the last corner before the turn into the church and I saw my parents. There was a girl from my church and sunday school class who had just passed me and I was so mad by the way haha! My parents started yelling for me (and Bobby) and I told them about my ankle as I passed. My mom ran along with me yelling at me (I told her too) and taking pics. I ended up sprinting past the girl and beating her in the last second hehe. My ankle is a little swollen by I didn’t do any major damage. I have just been resting, icing, and taking anti-inflamatory meds. I am just so mad because I was perfectly on pace with only 1.2 miles left and would have PR’ed and now I have to wait for fall. It’s WAY too hot to try now.
So anyway, am I bummed, yes, but there is always the fall, and I am going to be READY and kill my old PR! I am determined!
Ok here are more pics. Here is Bobby about to PR, yay!
here I go about to pass the girl in front of me before going into the shoot.
Here we are after. Smoothie King was a sponsor so I got my smoothie, a banana, and some water before we left. They also had a band playing in the parking lot for entertainment. I don’t know why Bobby is looking at me like that, I probably said something stupid.
So, Bobby had a great race, I had a great half race. I still feel I need to work on my endurance for short races like that, and I will bring WATER next time! (or find out how many stops are on course.) I am kind of glad I am done for summer. I feel like a lot of pressure has been taken off of me. I felt like I couldn’t cross train as much because I felt like I needed to get the miles in, so now I feel a lot more relaxed!
I will try to download the other pictures tomorrow and it will be like the second half of my recap.
I can’t believe the weekend is over, it went by so fast! Had a great time with my parents!

Oh no!!! How is your ankle feeling now? I have horrible ankles too and after many many strains and sprains I had to have my ligament repaired. Awful.
so you had the surgery? thats what they wanted me to have after high school. how was it? recovery time?
i’m ok, its a little puffy but I think it scared me more than anything. i can walk but when i stand with all my weight on it for a minute it aches.
Cute outfit! ;). I love the blue with the floral. I can’t believe you wore a shirt with sleeves though, in humidity. Go to kohls and get that color in the tank. Sorry about the ankle. RICE
haha I normally never race in sleeves but I REALLy wanted to wear my ROTE shirt!
congrats on your race babe! i have terrible ankles too, so i know exactly how that feels – sucks ):
i’m totally proud you still finished though! if it would have been me, i would have cried my way off the track lol
thanks! I wanted to cry. esp. when I realized I wasn’t going to PR!
Sorry about your ankle! Way to finish anyway…and to pass that girl! Hope that your ankle is back to working condition soon…
thanks! I decided not to run today, but am going to try an easy 3 tomorrow