Last Saturday, Bobby competed in his first duathlon of the season. We found out about it last minute, (aka Bobby hasn’t been on his bike since before Emma Kate was born), but he wanted to do it anyway. It was a GORGEOUS day, with temperatures in the mid 60’s. It was Emma Kate’s first time to race spectate, and I feel there will be many more times in her future.
She was such a trooper. She even took a 45 minute nap in her stroller, and slept again in the car on the way home.
This race was to benefit a local place called the Mustard Seed, for adults with developmental disabilities. This organization has been around a long time and everyone loves it, so there were plenty of people willing to donate food, time, and other things for the race.
This particular race was a 5k run, a 15 mile bike, and then a 1 mile run. We were late arriving, so I had to go grab Bobby’s packet while he set up his bike. The below picture is him coming in from the 5k heading into transition.
EK and I hung out inbetween transitions. There was a live band, plently of people and even activities for the kids. You could choose to just participate in the 5k portion, and it was so much fun to see some of the “seedsters” as they call them come in through the finish line running with a “buddy.”
Bobby came through off the bike and said he had a calf cramp. Well yup, that’s what happens when you haven’t been on your bike in 7 months and you try to race.
He hobbled off on his one mile run and we hung out near the finish.
Yay go Bobby! He came in 7th in his age group and 18th overall out of over 100 racers.
Frank the camel was proud of him.
You read that correctly. Frank the camel was at the race. he even had his own Facebook page. I die.
Baby EK was proud of her daddy and wanted to know when she was going to get to race.
Of course I couldn’t pass up the opportunity for a picture of a baby and a camel, right? I mean when will this EVER happen again? It looks like Frank is snarling and clearly is about to eat my baby.
As we walked around after the race, we noticed that Frank was not the only animal at the race. No no, there was a whole freaking petting zoo. Bearded dragons, birds, rabbits, ferrets, a sugar glider and a humongous snake, which you will not see a picture of because I hhaattee snakes.
This is Joey, He climbed on Bobby’s shoulder and tried to eat his sunglasses.
We had a great time at the race and hanging out after enjoying the gorgeous weather. Here in Mississippi it goes from cold to hot in a split second, so we don’t get many weekends of weather in the 60/70 range. I’m super proud of Bobby, can’t wait until his triathlon in May! (You can follow Bobby on Instagram and Twitter, too!)
QOTD: What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen at a race? Any other camels?

The camel is killing me lol! So funny! Great race Bobby!!!
That race looked super fun. Was it by the water? Great job on his finish.
Camels? Strange but pretty cool. And of course baby EK is just as cute as can be. Love the cheesy grin.
Yes! It was at the park by the water. Bobby is doing a TRI in may and that’s where they will swim
EK doesn’t look impressed with Frank, but I think it’s cool that they brought a camel. I’ve never seen a live one up close.
That looks like such a pretty place to race. And I love that there was a camel! Too funny.
the camel is hilarious! all of the animals look like fun and congrats to Bobby on completing a duathlon!
congrats to Bobby! He did a great job!! Side question- what stroller do you have? Is it a jogging one too? Thanks!
it’s a bob revolution, way awesome running stroller!
Great post Heather! We would love to have you and Bobby participate in our race this year. We are making it bigger and better than ever.