Tomorrow is THE day! The day that I run in my first team ultra marathon relay. Am I excited? Yes… Am I scared…. YES!
I have already packed my things and am ready to head to Baton Rouge tomorrow.
I have 5 outfits in their own ziploc bags so when I change I can seal them up = less stink. You know I will be wearing many different Running Skirts!
The longest I have run since my injury is ten miles, and I will be running just under 20 (total) miles. This is what my legs will look like:
leg 3: 4.094
leg 9: 3.435
leg 15: 4.885
leg 21: 3.983
leg 27: 3.175
total: 19.572
There are 6 of us girls and a total of 30 legs. At night, we are going to bike a bike next to each other so no one is alone in the dark on the levee. We have a lot of reflective vests and lights as safety precautions as well.
Our wave starts Saturday morning at 8:00 AM, and we are expected to finish around 9:00 or 10:00 am Sunday morning. Don’t worry, we are going to document the whole thing. Between the six of us, we will have plenty of pictures and video.
Not to mention, if you would like to follow along with our shenanigans (I am not responsible for what gets tweeted at 2 AM!) You can follow along with the two hash tags we will all be using:
#GirlsOnTheGeaux (our team name)
#ro12 (Rouge Orleans 2012)
Be sure to stay up to date on all the fun of the weekend! I would also like to give a huge HUGE shout out to all of our amazing sponsors. We will be tweeting them up as well as taking photos and videos all about them so stay tuned afterwards.
These giant banners may or may not be going on our van. Along with other silly things…we aren’t trying to stand out or anything…You will just have to follow along on Twitter and Facebook to see how we are decorating our van.
I also want to mention that any money our awesome sponsors gave us that we don’t use will go directly to Girls on the Run of Baton Rouge!
I know my Girls on the Geaux teammates would love it if you followed them on Twitter, too:
Kristyn, Katie, Erin, Jennifer, and Lindsey
See ya in Baton Rouge!
QOTD: If you were doing a relay how would you decorate your van?

So fun! I have ALWAYS wanted to do one of these things!
I really want to do one of these!! I can’t wait to hear all about it!! Good luck and have a blast!!!
good luck! these relay races that i’m always reading about down south sound like so much fun!!
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
So exciting! Good luck to you!
Good luck! I hope you have SO much fun and then let me join you on your next relay! 🙂
Woohoo! You ladies are fantastic. Good luck!!
Good luck! Great idea with the ziplocs! I used to do that with pageant stuff!
It sounds like a lot of fun! I hope you have a great time and get through all your legs with no problem and also like all the girls. Hopefully the ziploc bags will help with the smells too!
I love relay races, they’re so much fun! Good luck, and really enjoy yourself! The last relay I did, my team had a shark theme, so we decorated our vans to look like sharks. Complete with the dorsal fin on top, and teeth on the front grill. It was awesome (especially when we blasted the JAWS theme song)!
Wahoo!! That looks like SO much fun!! That is definately something I would love to participate in someday! 🙂 Good luck!!
Good luck, can’t wait for updates 🙂
Good luck!! Sounds like it will be a lot of fun!!
That sounds like SO MUCH FUN!! Dividing it up like that – it doesn’t feel so overwhelming!! Best of luck!
I know Erin!!! She is one of my dear friends from when she lived in Nashville. I am jealous you’ll get to run a relay with her, haha! I hope y’all have a blast. I love relays… sooo much fun.
This sounds amazing!!! Good luck! I hope you have so much fun and I can’t wait to hear all about this experience :D.
Good luck and have fun! I can’t wait to do an ultra relay, it sounds like such a great time!
This relay sounds really cool, I can’t wait to hear all about it. Good luck!
Have a BLAST!!!! :0) Can’t wait to hear about it!
Rock on. Geaux go get em’!!
Good luck! Have a blast! Seeing the lil color hearts skirt makes me sooo jealous. I have to get it. Oy unlimited funds please.