I haven’t run a 5k in a year, and I haven’t PR’ed in a 5k in almost two years. I have been focusing on distance and not speed for many many months, so I was curious as to how I would do. Bobby has been doing a lot of speed workouts since he wasn’t training for the Princess half like I was so I KNEW he would PR, but me….not so sure. We drove down to the race Saturday morning on a beautiful sunny day. The weather was nice but it was rapidly getting warm for the 9:00 start time. We picked up our bibs and race shirts and did about .6 miles of a warm up run before the start. There was a time years ago that I would NEVER dream of warming up for a 5k. I mean, why drain your energy before the race starts, duh! Oh, how much I have learned!
We lined up at the start (Bobby was up ahead of me with the fast folks!) and then we were off and running. I wanted to stat slow and run negative splits, and I am still struggling with not getting caught up in the excitement and starting off too fast. I calmed down after about 4 tenths, but those first tenths were too fast. I was glad we warmed up a bit before the start, I think that helped me as well. I kept my garmin on pace instead of distance or time, and tried to stay around 9. The first mile evened out with y fast start and slower second half, and I was on to mile two. I picked up the pace, finally warmed up, and was running in the 8’s. I saw Bobby going back the other way and gave him a high five. I was surprised at how good I felt, and was happy to make it to the turn around.
Mile 1.5-2.5 felt pretty good. I passed the water stop without stopping, and kept cruising along, glancing at my pace which was going anywhere between an 8:20 and an 8:50. I hit 2.5 and started to get very warm. I was ready for this to be over, so I switched my Garmin over to distance so I could count down the tenths. I think this was my mistake because although I told myself pace didn’t matter because I was giving it all I had, I don’t think that was the case. I think I accidentally slowed down in that last half mile, but what can you do. I made it to the final turn/three mile marker and saw the finish line. I kicked it in and went pretty fast, further solidifying the fact that I wasn’t going fast enough that last half mile. I crossed in 27:52, a new PR! I was happy to PR, but mad at myself for slowing down at the end.
I grabbed some Powerade and met up with Bobby, who also PRed, running a 23:19! He has worked really hard to improve his speed, I was super proud of him.
Thanks to my KT Tape I didn’t have any calf issues. Hooray! Yes, yes I like to match my tape to my outfits. Sassy, I know!
After everyone finished, we headed over to the awards ceremony. Apparently I got 5th in my age group out of 18, not too shabby. This was a military race so there were a LOT of very fit and in shape guys and gals running this one.
I enjoyed this race, it went through a quiet neighborhood so lots of houses to look at to keep my mind occupied. They had volunteers giving directions at all the turns, and had a water stop at the halfway point. The awards were nice, and they had donuts, bananas, and water/PowerAde after the race. It started on time and I would definitely run it again! I even really like the race shirt, very neutral and nice.
I can’t believe I have PR’ed in three different distances in 3 months. Now I think I need to find a 10k so I can make it 4 in four months!
QOTD: runners, did you race this weekend? If you didn’t or aren’t a runner, how was the weather where you live this weekend?

For the 10k I think the Azalea Trail is coming up soon. 🙂
Great work on the PR! I’ve mainly done distance races not 5ks but I am thinking of mixing it up and starting to focus more on speed not distance.
great job on the PR! My KT tape color scheme this weekend was a hot mess but it’s ok because I ran at my house so no one saw haha
Congrats to you on your PR. I also ran a 5K on Saturday and think I might be done with 5K’s for awhile. I PR’d at 25:35 and have the shin splints to prove it. The half marathon I did in New Orleans a couple of weeks ago was much easier than this race! I would much rather run for distance at a comfortable pace. Lesson learned!
it was so so stunnnning outside this weekend.
I be happy.
Woohoo! Go Heather and Bobby! I haven’t run a timed 5k in about 2 years. I focus a lot on the longer distances, but I’d like to do one soon.
Woohoo Heather! Congratulations on the PR girl!!!!
Hooray for the PR! I did 4 miles on Saturday and it was quite humid, but thankfully overcast. We had t-storms in the forecast all day but they didn’t hit until Saturday night. I was very thankful I did my run Saturday because yesterday was ridiculously windy.
Love the shirt!
Nice job! I signed up for my first 10k April 6. I went from doing 5k to half marathons and bypassed the 10k distance. So I’m kind of looking forward to it just because it’ll be different.
Yay! So happy for you and Bobby!
You really worked hard and its obviously paying off awesome job!
Congrats on the PR!! That’s awesome news! Love the pink skirt!
Awesome job! Congrats on a great race!!
I’ll have to try KT Taping my calves. They’re always SO TIGHT.
Wow, Heather! Fantastic job, and cograts to Bobbi, too! 3 prs in 3 months? You are on a roll! So thrilled for you!
thanks, I am pretty stoked after a year of no PR’s.
Congratulations on a super PR! It’s always such a great feeling knowing that even if you’ve focused on distance lately, overall you’re in such better shape that you CAN pull off a speedy race.
I ran a 10K (well, supposed to be a 10K – check out my post!) this weekend and would have had a massive 10K PR. But oh well!
Great job! Awesome PR!!
Wow three PR’s. You are on a roll. Definitely go for a 10K next!
Congrats on the PR. I PR’d on a 10k this weekend. I definitely relied on my Garmin to keep my pace on track. I’m glad I did bc other runners started slowing down around mile 3, but I picked it up.
I really have to try and throw some speed work into the mix for my training. I focus so much on just getting the miles done. I wish I could go faster, but if I don’t train for that I will never be able to! Makes sense, huh? 😉 Congrats to both of you on the PRs!
exactly. I always tell myself to race fast I have to train fast!
Great job!!
There is still time to register for the Crescent City Classic! 🙂
LOL. the disorganization of that race stresses me out.
I haven’t done this one before, but I have read the bad reviews. They have a new race director this year and have completely overhauled the race from what I’ve read, so I’m willing to give it a chance.
What race are you talking about?
The Crescent City Classic
got ya! I was confused for a minute there lol!
I ran the NWM Virtual 10K this weekend, but it was lovely weather! This week we’ll actually hit 72 (haven’t seen that number here since September!!) so it will be nice to run outside for a change! Congrats on the PRs! It’s nice to see improvement after training so hard!
Too funny. 72 is cool to me!
Congratulations!! A PR is a great feeling 🙂
Congrats on the PR! You are on a roll!
thanks 😉
Great job on the PR!
My first race with be in May 🙂 5k!
The weather was absolutely gorgeous!
You will rock it!
Congrats on the new 5K PR. I think that focusing on endurance can definitely help in smaller races. It means you can run harder longer! nice job.
exactly! thanks.
I particularly love to see people excel in races that contribute towards a cause. Win-win for everyone! Also, love your mirror! Happen to remember where you snagged it? Random, I know.
Not random! Got it a few years ago at bed bath and beyond!
PRs are always exciting! Nice job
Great job, Heather! You look great. Definitely go 4 for 4.
thanks I think I’m going to!
Awesome job!! I haven’t run a 5k in years, like you I have been working on distance. Yesterday I was supposed to do a 3 mile recovery run after an 8 mile run on Saturday. But I wanted to see how fast I could run a 5k. Sure enough faster than I have ever run a 5k before. I am running 5k in a couple of weeks and am excited to see if I can even beat what I did on Sunday! Thanks for the motivation and great job on all the PRs!!
that’s awesome!!! Good luck!
I love your pink shoes! Have you done a review on them? What are they?
Nevermind, I just saw your reply to my other comment. Thanks! 🙂
no worries!
Congrats on the PR! I was hoping to try for a 5K PR last month but I ended up sick. I’m antsy to try next month!
oh boo!!! GL next month!