I love race expos! So much gear! So many familiar faces! It gets me so pumped for the race itself. runDisney expos in particular are a lot of fun because I get to see blends from online in the happiest place around. It was quite the unusually chilly day when we went on Thursday afternoon, but it didn’t dampen my excitement! It had been a year since I had been to a runDisney expo and I couldn’t wait to get inside.
We first headed to pick up my race packet/bib.
There was no line to get my bib, so it was easy and quick.
I knew there was a free photo somewhere if you follow runDisney on Instagram, and I found it after I got my bib. Fun!
After I took my picture we headed out to the red carpet to go over to get my shirt and see the vendors.
I got my shirt and went over to the official merchandise. I ended up with a cute wine glass and my usual “I did it shirt” that I get at every runDisney race.
About that time I ran into two of my friends, Kristen and Karen!
after some chatting I went to find my buddy Michelle at the Running Skirts booth. I love Michelle! She trained me when I used to work for Running Skirts, and we had some super fun times together. I had to pick up a last minute addition to my race costume, and then headed off to find more friends.
As we walked away I ran into my favorite male race announcer, Rudy! We chatted about the baby (everyone was so sweet to ask about Emma Kate!) and I found out he would be announcing the LA marathon I am running soon!
I also bumped into Dani
and went looking for Bobbi at the Raw Threads booth.
After making the rounds at some of the other booths, I went to check out the new runDisney New Balance shoes in person.
If I’m being totally honest, I’m not a big fan. Don’t get me wrong, the pairing of the two brands is genius, but I am more of a fan of my beautiful Minnie Mouse shoes and Cinderella shoes than the more bland black and white version. I was hoping for a fun princess shoe to be released for this race, or even another fab 5 character. Maybe later in the year!
We were pretty tired from our travel day and had an early dinner at California Grill, so we decided to head out.
As I was standing at the top of the stairs taking the above picture, I saw a familiar face go by. It was Danni from the Biggest Loser! I knew she would be there but when I said “hi Danni!” as she walked by, I don’t think she expected it. She stopped and said hello and I told her I cheered for her to win her season from the beginning and asked if she would take a selfie with me. She was super sweet and I wished her luck with the race!
It was a great way to close out the expo seeing her. We had a great time and it got me excited for the half marathon.
QOTD: have you ever met a celeb at a race or expo?

Disney seriously has the best expos! All others just pale in comparison.
I’ve seen a few bloggers that I follow but I’ve never stopped them to say ‘hi’ because I felt bad! Like I’m a paparazzi harassing them on their day off, lol
Too funny!
I agree about the NB shoes this year. I know they wanted to go back to Steamboat Willie, but the black and white shoes almost are a let down after all the colorful designs before.
I get that they’re trying to appeal to the people who don’t like the bright colors but instead of making four black-and-white shoes maybe they could’ve just made two and then made some colorful ones to go with them
So glad we got to see you there! Such a fun expo!! 🙂
Me too!
Disney expos are so much fun! Between the shopping and all of the excitement, I can’t help but have fun at them. I’ll have to remember about the Instagram picture opportunity next time we’re there!
I mean yes! Haha
Aww so much fun! I’m so bummed I didn’t actually make it into the expo this year!
I know!
runDisney expos are the best!!! I’m with you on the New Balance shoes…not impressed! Where are the fun colors? I didn’t see the Instagram photo opp…where was it? And I saw Danni from The Biggest Loser in Hollywood Studios on Saturday! She passed by me and I had to think about who she was for a minute. Once I realized it was her she was already past me and I didn’t want to stalk her lol!
Haha I have stalked people before 🙂
The Princess Expo was great! We arrived just before 10am, I had the entire family in tow, and by 10:30 we all had our 10K bibs, shirts and I had my Glass Slipper Challenge Stuff, not to mention a really cute Sparkle Athletic outfit for the half!
disney expos are so much fun! and i completely agree with the new balance shoes. The ones from WDW/star wars were not cute (and 185 dollars!!) and this set were a bit better. I saw them on someone at the park and they looked cuter than I imagined but I was really hoping for a donald or tink or princess shoe. I love my cinderella ones!
it looks like the expo was awesome! I hope the race was equally good for you 🙂