Good morning all! Happy Monday! I am SO SAD Healthy Living Summit is OVER! It went by so fast, I blinked…and that’s it! Sad times. In case you were busy having your own fun this weekend, (although there is no way you had as much fun as I did!) here are the posts you missed:
Arriving at the Healthy Living Summit
Sleepy Saturday at HLS
Healthy Living Summit Cocktail Party
Healthy Living Summit Saturday Sessions
After the actual sessions/day things were over, we all started planning out our evenings, which of course revolved around food. A group of us decided to go walk around the Reading Terminal Market (during operating hours, which is where we had our cocktail party.) It was neat to see the place “in action” after it was so empty and dark for our party the night before!
Allison, Tanya, Erin, me, and Andrea
After that, we wandered around the city a bit
Look at this hilarious pet store we found. Bahaha!
We wanted to work up an appetite for dinner so we decided to walk down to the liberty bell, then come back for dinner.
I am so glad we did, I haven’t seen it since 8th grade, and it was so cool to be there again. I need to find my old picture so I can put them side by side for y’all to see nerdy 8th grade Heather and well…nerdy grown-up Heather. I love history, especially colonial history, so I was totally geeking out and taking a million pictures.
We had just enough time to walk back to the restaurant for dinner. It was a cute little place called the Corner. They had a little bit of everything which I think suited most in our group.
I’m sure they will totally appreciate these action shots!
Our group, yay! Great fun with great bloggers!
The food came….and of course out came the cameras! People kept looking at us from other tables wondering why the heck there were ten DSLR’s at our table, snapping away at our food.
I was totally craving meat, chicken…SOMETHING, after not having any at lunch, so I of course ordered the cheeseburger. It was pretty good. I think I was so hungry it didn’t even matter. I ended up eating only a little bit of the bun because it was so fluffy.
After dinner, the group split up again. Some headed to the hotel bar, and me, having the total sweet tooth that I do, headed up a group to go get some froyo, of course!
Half peanut butter half watermelon, with some strawberries on top.
NOW I’m a happy camper.
Yes, it truly was a sweet ending thank you very much.
After Froyo, I got immediately sleepy. Me and Stephanie decided to call it a night. My roommates ended up coming back soon after. I was already in my PJ’s, blogging, and watching the Saints game. Who is surprised? You really shouldn’t be by now, people. We went to sleep ready to get up for the Together Counts fun run the next morning.
QOTD: Have you seen the liberty bell?

I just caught up on it all. Looks like you had such a fun time! I better be able to go next year 🙂
yes! I will be devastated if you can’t. 🙁
Looks like fun! Yes, I have seen the Liberty Bell…once the summer before 8th grade and then right before I started college (with my parents and roommate after we moved into our dorm). Going to school in Philly you don’t do the touristy things, so I don’t think I went to the liberty bell the 4 years I was there…
thats how it always is, I am the same way with NOLA.
Heatherrrrr!!!!!!!! I had SUCH a fun time hanging out with you, girlfriend!!!! Can’t wait til you come visit Charlotte 🙂 And I’ll let you know when I’m coming to New Orleans for a little visit, (once I convince Ryan, of course, lol!)
HI! yes! what fun times! Please let me know if yall ever visit!
Where two or more bloggers are gathered together, froyo will be consumed. At least that’s how I feel! I’ve never been to philly, but would love the chance to go sometime!
I lloovveee me some froyo!
Oh my- VERY flattering action shot you got of me at dinner. 😉 And yes, I’ve been to the Liberty Bell…with you! 🙂
heh. candid shots are the best! I don’t think its a bad one, I have seen some bad ones though! (not of you)
Yes, I have seen the liberty bell, in fact just a few weeks ago. Stayed at the same place too. We did not find that froyo place, but my boys did have some ice cream at the terminal market.
totally saw the ice cream at the market, it looked yum!
That looks so fun! I just started reading your blog after starting one of my own and I’m completely inspired. I hope I get to go one day and meet all kinds of fun bloggers as well 🙂