I can’t believe it’s September, but I am SO glad! September means vacation, and it also means the hot temps are slowly on the decline into fall, which then leads to CHRISTMAS! I may or may not have decorated my house for fall yesterday….hhmmm…
Back in the Spring, I was doing monthly goals. I picked up another job, things got busy, and my “goal” months kind of went out the window. I figure since it’s the beginning of the month, I could set some new goals so I have something to work towards! Here we go!
1.) Read a book: I have a bunch of books downloaded onto my tablet, but I am so far behind on magazines leisure reading has been stressing me out instead of relaxing me! With a vacation this month I am hoping to make this goal a given!
2.) PR: Not necessarily in a race, but I will take a stellar training run that is run faster than ever before! Cooler temps will hopefully help me along with this one!
3.) Take care of my body: I have this bad, bad habit. When my IT band gets tight, I take GREAT care of it for about a week. I ice, I stretch, I foam roll….then it gets better and I do not continue with my routine, and it just gets tight again. My goal is to CONTINUE to ice, stretch, and foam roll to stay injury free! This includes cross training in my routine!
4.) Finish raising money for TNT: Hopefully my upcoming blog raffle will help with this, but I would love to be done fundraising before the actual race! (You can donate on our Team in Training page.)
5.) continue with my quiet time/Bible reading: I have done a really good job this month spending time every month reading my Bible and praying. I really really want to keep this up, and not let it slip or slide because of hectic days. I don’t want it to be the thing that doesn’t happen on a busy day, everything else should be the things that don’t happen instead!
6.) Take more pictures with my DSLR: I have gotten lazy and don’t carry my big camera around with me as much as I should. I have been relying way too much on cell phone photos. I apologize guys, I will try to do better this month!
So there you have it. Kind of a random list, but that’s what I came up with for September! Wednesday I went to the gym with Bobby and we did legs, chest, and tri’s. Yesterday was house cleaning day, and I did a workout DVD I haven’t done in awhile. Its sad how my “6 week to 6 pack abs” seemed to deflate and disappear in about 6 days. I have been getting lazy with cross training, and I really don’t want to get injured! (Can you believe in October it will be a YEAR that I first hurt my IT band?)
QOTD: What are your goals for September?

My big one this month is finally delving into all those cookbooks we got as wedding gifts. My collection is about 30 books large and I have never ever used one!
such a good idea!
Have you read The Help? I do not enjoy reading. In fact, I had not completed a book in about 20 years. I read The Help in less than a week. So, so good!
yes! I read it in the spring and just saw the movie. loved it! its set where I just moved from, jackson ms!
awesome goals!! 🙂 September goals… hmmm… be up to a 20 mile long run by the end of september so I can somewhat be prepared for my first full marathon on October 16th lol…
Eat more fruits and veggies…
Read 3 or more books…
Get a new pair of running shoes lol…
I need to get back to monthly goals too – thanks for the reminder! I need to work on cooking more – although it may be difficult now that I’ll be heading back to work. I also need to set aside time every day for reading the Bible as well. I’ve been slacking on that!
Great goals, as always! I’m all for PRs not necessarily happening in races! And ahhh why did you say Christmas? I’ll have a baby by then! Can’t wait for our trip 🙂
ahhh i can’t wait to see your cute family christmas photo eeekkk!
My goals are very similar to yours! I’ve definitely been slacking on the cross-training, so that is a main goal for this month. I think that will help with my shin splints…and my slowness!
Another goal for September is to get organized in my house. I want my mantra to be “everything in its place”.
And, of course, I need to finish fundraising as well!
Have a great Labor Day weekend!
everything in its place is a great mantra!
love you goals. You are so right, God should be first, nothing else matters. I hope you enjoy your weekend!
thank you!
Totally inspited me to do this monthly, not just set fitness goals as usual, but actually write them down! thanks!
you are welcome, good luck!
My quiet time/bible reading is always the first thing to fall by the wayside, yet it is the only thing that keeps me going when things get tough. I think I shall make this my goal this month too!
Great goals. I’ve been working on reading my bible daily. I like your goal to take better care of your body. I recently finished up physical therapy (due to torn MCL) and I need to keep up with the exercises they gave me to do, but it was much easier when my PT held me accountable. Here’s hoping I can hold myself accountable! 🙂
P.S. What kind of DSLR do you have? I’m in the process of researching and asking around! 🙂