Did you know it’s less than three months until Christmas? Don’t panic! We still have to get through Halloween and Thanksgiving, but I just wanted to throw that in there. It’s my favorite. I started thinking about last Christmas, which got me thinking about the past in general and what I was doing last year. If you have been reading RWS for awhile you know every now and then I like to look back and see what I was doing a year ago. I think it’s so important to look back and reflect, it’s the best way to learn from experience, and be thankful for all the blessings we have!
So, end of September 2011, I had just gotten back from my Disney vacation, and was heading BACK to Disney to work the runDisney Wine and Dine half marathon expo for Running Skirts and run the 5k and the half marathon. I had a really bad head cold, and it is probably the most exhausted I have been in my entire life, but also so much fun!
We set up the expo Thursday, worked all day Friday, then Saturday morning I was up at 4:45 for the 5k. After the 5k it was time for a quick shower and then back to the expo to work all day, then take down the booth, and pack all the skirts up. I had time to grab a quick bite for dinner, and then it was time to head to the busses for the race. I almost fell asleep on the bus on the way to the race and wondered what the HECK I was doing out here, by myself, trying to do all this. I ended up having a blast running and at the after party, and finally fell into bed after being awake for over 24 hours, running 2 races and working for 3 days while sick. It was crazy looking back on it.
I can’t wait to run Wine and Dine this year with Bobby and watch him get his coast to coast medal!
I went on to run another half marathon the next weekend, and then another one after that (which led to a stress fracture). Such a whirlwind, exhausting, but awesome race weekend in Disney World! As I look back, I realize I grew up a lot during that time. It was my first time being in charge of the booth at an expo, my first time flying to Disney and staying there by myself, I even walked around the parks by myself. It was a lot more fun being solo in Disney than I thought it would be, and I also have some great memories to look back on.
QOTD: What is something fun you were doing this time last year?

I always gear up for Halloween, with preparation coming in around this week. I get all the decorations out for my office, locate all my Halloween movies or reserve them on Netflix and then look at my Halloween iPod mix and see if there are any songs I can add. The weather finally starts to stay cool which is also a bonus. I can get some running done outside!
I want to do the Wine and Dine some year, sounds perfect: running, food and wine! Last year at this time I was not having much fun instead in deep over my head with grad school, work and thesis stress! SO glad much of that is behind me 🙂
I can’t WAIT for Wine and Dine this year! I am so excited — it’s my first runDisney event and a good friend’s first half marathon, so I know it’s going to be extra special.
This time last year, I was contemplating starting a blog…and did so tomorrow!!
So proud of you girl!! I hope to be able to run Disney some day. This time last years I was adjusting to being 21 and a vegetarian. It was a good time. 🙂
Hi Heather! I’m reading your post as I’m sitting on the Magical Express for my first trip down to WDW alone for the Tower of Terror race. It feels a little weird, but I’m also excited about exploring the parks on my own for the first time (and maybe even sitting at the pool!). I’ll be at Wine & Dine as well, hope to see you there!
I’ve been thinking about Christmas for awhile now, I like to start planning gifts early so I can make them!
This time last year I had just run my first “official” 5k while training for the Disney Marathon!
Last September I ran the Marine Mud Run in Knoxville with my husband, my sister, and my brother-in-law! We had a blast!! I’ve never been so muddy and worked so hard and had so much fun all at the same time!! I have a few scars on my arms and legs but I look at them as a reminder of what I accomplished that day and how much fun I had! 🙂