Hey guys, guess what? It’s November! I hope you had a fun and safe Halloween. Guess what again? I have the winners of the free Shutterfly cards for you. I loved reading everyone’s favorite Christmas traditions, it got me so excited for the holidays coming up so soon! Also…guess what a third time? I have the flu and am not going to Savannah. I am so crushed, I was going to get to see Jen, work the awesome RnR expo with Running Skirts, and run half marathon number 10, but it won’t be happening. I can barely walk down the stairs and am confined to my bed. I definitely think my body is trying to tell me to SLOW DOWN. I have all the classic symptoms…fever, achy, weak, sore throat, cough, headache, etc. etc.
Three expos in then month of October was a lot, and a lot of traveling, so I think some good rest will do me well. I would much rather listen to my body and stay home then push it and get pneumonia or some other sickness because my immune system is so down. Live to fight another day, right? I am currently hopped up on lots of medication though so I feel a bit better, but as soon as my meds wear off, I can really feel it.
Bobby tried to be sweet and make me a Mickey pumpkin…but it kind of looks like a bear. #Fail
Onto my winners. I had 55 entrants sharing awesome traditions, some of them I may adapt for myself. If you are looking for a new tradition check out the comments. Please e mail me at runningwithsass@gmail.com to claim your Shutterfly code for 25 free cards.
Megan from Running Toward the Prize
“I LOVE sending and getting holiday cards! My husband does not understand it at all – but I still make him take photos
As for my favorite holiday tradition – it would probably be Christmas services at church. From Christmas Eve services to Christmas plays to Christmas choir performances, we would always go as a family (and participated in many too!)”
Suzy from Running Around the World
Awww your shutterfly card is so cute! (of course, you can’t go wrong with puppies in sweaters!)
One of my (new) holiday traditions is a Cookie Decorating Party… not a cookie swap, but we bake a metric ton of sugar cookies and then drink wine and ice them! This year will be the 2nd annual.
My family holiday tradition is that we always play cards (crazy 8′s) after Christmas Eve dinner.
Brittney from Life in a Holding Pattern
For Christmas dinner we always make my grandma’s recipe for mac & cheese, which involves spaghettie noodles and extra sharpe white cheddar cheese. It’s delicious
Luckily, I had some guest posts lined up for while I was supposed to be in Savannah, so I will still be using those so I can just rest and recover and not have to think about posting for a couple days until I am better. Thanks for hanging with me guys.
QOTD: Have you ever had to drop out of a race due to illness or injury? Or miss a work trip? How did it make you feel? I feel terrible having to cancel but don’t really have much of a choice.
*Don’t forget to enter my ClipeE giveaway

Hope you feel better soon!
I hope you feel better soon! And I think Bobby’s pumpkin resembles Mickey 🙂 He gets a A for effort!
So sorry you’re sick! I’m so sad I won’t see you, but I’m so glad you’re taking take of your health and staying home. 😉
Feel Better!! Will miss seeing you in Savannah! Rest up!! You have certainly earned it. Listen to your body!
Feel better soon, Heather!
I had to skip a race once because of injury. I really didn’t want to but I knew it was the smart thing to do. It was still hard.
Ugh – hope you feel better soon!!
I had to skip a number of races after I hurt my knee. It isn’t easy, even if it is the right thing to do.
Feel better soon girlie!!! Definitely take advantage of the time to rest and relax!!!
So sorry you are sick, my friend! I hope you are able to rest up and feel better soon!! Bobby’s poor pumpkin…ah well at least he tried! lol
Hope you feel better soon! So sorry you are stuck in bed!
It sounds like we have/had the same bug. I was sick ALL weekend and found out today after I had blood work done on Monday that I am still fighting a bacterial infection. If you havent seen a doctor yet, I would! 🙂
I’m so sad you won’t be going and we don’t get to catch up again, but you definitely need some rest. Hope you feel better soon! I’ll run one of my miles for you. 😉
Being sick is the absolute worse!! Feel better soon!!