Good morning from Healthy Living Summit!
I decided to forgo joining in on the group run this morning and I still feel exhausted! Traveling really gets me every time! I also feel really dehydrated. Must drink water today!
We had a great time at the cocktail party, it was at such a cool venue, the planning committee did a great job choosing a location! I had so much fun finally meeting all of these amazing bloggers!
I will post more pics from the night and tell you more about it later. Right now I have to go get ready for breakfast! Have a great Saturday everyone! I will be back later!
*I wanted to reiterate the fact that I didn’t mean to offend anyone with my Philly comment. I was Just giving an account of my personal experience from that day. Willing to give it another chance, was just giving my opinion of some Of the things that happened/I saw (granted after talking to some people I think we were in a not so great part of town.) I am sure there are plenty of fabulous people here! No worries!

I found your comments on your lunch outing refreshingly honest. I read several posts about it and I appreciated your sharing both the good and the not so pleasant aspects. I know most bloggers try to keep everything positive and upbeat, but at the same time they occasionally come across as a little unrealistically perfect.
Thank you SO much for the comment! It means so much. I pride myself in my honesty and find it sad some people get so defensive about someone else’s opinion. You are my new best friend! 🙂
I think it’s human nature to get defensive. I know when people talk negatively about Boston, I tend to get defensive too, just because it’s home. You’re entitled to your own opinions though, and where this is your blog, you should post what you feel!
You should be honest, as the blog is a place for your own thoughts. Probably one of the reason I’ve resisted blogging; you’re inevitably going to get negative comments and I’d probably take offense to them. I agree with the previous poster, that those who fill their blogs with only positive things are a little off putting. Sometimes when I read those blogs, I feel lessened and wonder why I’m not as perfect as those people seem.
Thank you for your honesty. I feel that way too, that its my blog and I can say What I want LOL. I do use discretion bur I am also a real and imperfect person. I would much rather keep it real and Have some negativity then be fake happy all the time. I will br the first to admit I’m not perfect!
One of our Breakout sessions was about handling negativity. How fitting!! 🙂
thank you for your honesty. I have gotten a lot better with taking negativity in stride. I hate how people think b/c they are hiding behind a computer screen they can say what they want. I have gotten some awful comments that I doubt ppl would ever say to my face (at least I hope not!) You really have to get some thick skin to blog and be an HONEST blogger!