Good morning! Thank you everyone for your great responses to my post yesterday about the glucose test! It was definitely an interesting experience and I’m so glad to see I’m not alone.
Yesterday was a bit of a wild day, we are at our old house packing up because we FINALLY SOLD IT! That’s right, after 27 months our house sold and we have to be out by the end of the month. It’s a very long story that I really want to share with you once we get everything moved. I feel bad, almost like I have hidden from you guys a lot of what has been going on, but there is a reason, and I can’t wait to share the story soon.
Anyway, we spent a couple hours Wednesday night and all day yesterday packing and we still aren’t done. Thank goodness for my mom and Bobby’s mom that came and helped us or we would be in trouble. Can I just say packing while in your third trimester is not fun? By the end of the day, I was so sore and tired I couldn’t hold my eyes open at dinner and was in bed at 7:30!
I wore my fitbit from staples, and I walked over 10,000 steps yesterday without even leaving the house. How crazy is that? Let’s just say I went up and down the stairs at least 50 times and boy am I feeling it!
I’m really ready to get finished up here and head to my parents because Karen and her husband come into town today for my baby shower that is tomorrow! Not to mention, Sunday is my birthday, so it’s sure to be a fun weekend! I will blog all about it next week and will have pictures from the shower.
I better get back to packing, have a great weekend!
QOTD: any awful packing or moving experiences?

Moving and packing can be so stressful and exhausting! Fingers crossed for you that everything gets packed quickly and you are settled into your new home soon! π
Karen @karenlovestorun
thanks I hope so!
Moving while pregnant is tough! We just did it too. I was in the hospital with pre-term labor the night before we closed on our house. It was pretty stressful. Luckily I have great friends who all chipped in and helped us pack up and move while I sat and gave directions. Now that my baby is 3 weeks I’m doing some reorganizing and settling in- I couldn’t do much at the end of my pregnancy so things were just unpacked and placed in appropriate areas- but now I get to move things around and figure out how I really want things. Have fun at your baby shower and happy birthday!
Oh my gosh that’s crazy!
Congrats on finally selling your house! i bet that is such a relief to you guys. Although moving while pregnant…I’m sending prayers your way! You are a strong woman!
I’m just ready for it to be over haha
Congrats on selling your house! Hopefully you have a wonderful shower and birthday this weekend and can forget about the move for a little while!
We’re moving into our new townhouse tomorrow, so I definitely feel your moving pain so to speak. I hope your move goes smoothly!
Hope your move went well!
Congrats on selling your house! Moving is such a hassle! I just helped a friend moved and throughout the time we were packing and moving I climbed up stairs at least 80 times- and that’s not including walking back down. It’s crazy how much of a workout it is!
such a good workout!
Let’s be Fitbit friends!!! π
Such a fun weekend! Wish I could be there! Remember your bday last year? Waaaah π
π tear.
We have … never trust Nola’s u-haul we rented one and had our friends drop it back off for us to save money but the company “lost” it for 2 days while it was rented out again and we were charged an extra $200 that we def didn’t have. Says anything it was when we moved from the seminary back to MC so Joe could be an RD which was when we were so broke we didn’t know how broke we were, lol. Other than that, I have moved pregnant and with an infant, but thankfully we had some great help. Hopefully, we have broken the moving streak, once a year since we got married, with this house.
yikes! SO sorry!
I don’t have horror stories but I’m sure I feel the same was as a lot of people. I always wonder how I’ve collected so much stuff, and then I pack so much I just want it all to be over. Getting ready to move is worse than the actual move.
seriously. I have been married 7 years. How do we have so much stuff! Also we gave a ton away!
Congrats on selling your house!! I cannot even imagine packing up that much stuff while in my 3rd trimester! Have fun this weekend!
it was not fun lol
Moving is the pits, that’s for sure. I moved earlier this year and I somehow thought it was a good idea to move A) In January in the Midwest, in the middle of the Polar Vortex, and B) 5 days before I went on vacation. Needless to say, it was interesting. π But once it’s done, it’s so worth it. Happy Moving!
OMG that’s crazy. I dislike the cold.
Congrats to you two!! Three lol
haha! π
Congratulations on selling your house!!! Hope the move goes smoothly. And I hope you have a blast this weekend at your shower and celebrating your birthday!!!
I did!
Congrats on selling your house!! I can’t wait to see what your news is!
Yay for selling the house! I’m so glad that’s all behind you guys now! See you soon!! π
Congratulations on selling your home.
thank you π
Congratulations on selling your house! One less thing for you to worry about during your pregnancy! Moving is the worst! Being an Air Force brat we moved a lot. You’d think it’d get easier each time but it doesn’t! Hopefully you’re able to unpacking goes smoothly! I hope you have a wonderful time at your baby shower and Happy Birthday π
Moving is rough but moving in your third trimester? WOW! You’re superwoman π Congrats on selling your house too! We sold our house a few months ago and are STILL unpacking everything in the new one. I’m traveling for a Half this weekend but once I get back, I WILL get through the rest of those boxes! Hope you have a very Happy Birthday on Sunday too π
Also, I am dreading the unpacking!