Last Saturday, I ran the Son Valley Rally 5k, first 5k I have run since the Royal Family 5k in February of 2014. I was extra excited because my parents were there to watch, as was baby EK.
The race started at 8:00, and there were clouds looming and a very high threat of rain, which unfortunately meant very high humidity. It was a small race (less than 200 between the 5k run and 5k walk) so the start was pretty informal. I lined up around the middle of the pack, and Bobby got towards the front (you can spot him in the grey shirt).
I had not looked at the race course so I had no idea where we were going and I just hoped there would be signs or people at the turns (there were). Mississippi is relatively flat, but this course was not. I admittedly started out too fast, and when we started going downhill I knew we were in trouble because we would eventually have to go back up. We turned onto the trace running trail, and went up, up, up and across the interstate and down the other side. This is about where Bobby passed me going the other way. I hit the turnaround and headed back up towards the interstate overpass. I had slowed down considerably, but was still holding a good pace. When I hit mile 2, I stopped at the water stop and walked for about ten seconds. My fast start was catching up with me and I was kicking myself for not leaving some energy in the tank for the end. I made it back onto the road and was really starting to hurt and slow down. I took one more walk break around mile 2.8, and those last three tenths seemed to take FOREVER! The humidity made it really hard to breath, but I turned the last corner pushing with all I had. I crossed a little after the 30 minute mark, which was super disappointing to me. I have been running on the treadmill and could run a 29 minute 5k, so I figured in a race situation with adrenaline pumping I could do at least that well. Thanks mom for taking a picture of me right after I finished and thought I was going to throw up.
I only recently started working on speed after my marathon was over, but I was still frustrated. Coming back after having a baby is SO humbling and I still have a ways to go.
Bobby struggled with the humidity too. He ran a 24 something, and usually can run in the 22 range.
It felt good to push my body, but wow I forgot how hard a 5k is! I much prefer a half where I am not trying to basically flat out sprint the whole time.
A fun thing about this race was some of the animals that were at Bobby’s duathlon a few weeks ago were back. Specifically, Frank the camel was back! He really liked my dad.
Selfie with a camel! A phrase I never imagined I would say.
Emma Kate did SO well all morning and loved people watching in her stroller.
The guy in charge of the petting zoo decided my dad needed to hold a snake. My mother, who is DEATHLY afraid of snakes, flipped out and wouldn’t get near him,
I was sure to stay a safe distance away myself. I am not a fan. ick.
Bobby made a friend as well.
I thought this bird was really pretty, I have never seen one quite so pink!
more animals that I kept my distance from.
Frank the camel’s owner ran him through the finish line at the conclusion of the race.
We stuck around for the awards, and I found out I placed 3rd in the 20-29 age group. What was really special was that the awards were handmade by some of the amazing special needs adults at Son Valley. I got to pick out a piece of artwork as my award.
This was the first year for the race and while it needs some tweaks (they had THIRTY FIVE door prizes and took FOREVER handing them out while we were all waiting around for awards) I would run it again, especially since it’s for such a good cause, raising funds for the Son Valley community center. Next up, a 4th of July 5k. Hopefully I learned my lesson and will pace myself better!
QOTD: Have you ever poorly paced yourself during a race?

Congrats on a great race and placing in your AG! Ooooh the humidity…yuck! Haha Frank the camel was back! That’s hilarious!
It was so sticky. It rained right after we left!
Great job Heather! 5K’s are definitely not my favorite! I would much rather run long!
me too! Oy 5k’s are painful
I feel ya on the postpartum struggle. It’s most definitely humbling. I have to take walk breaks all the time during my long runs. I thought for sure I’d be back to my normal skill level by this point, but I’m still not there. I did, however, PR at my last 5k. But that’s only because I don’t do many. I much prefer the half marathon distance.
I much prefer the half distance!
5ks are hard because you have to push yourself the whole way-they are especially hard after doing so many half marathons and learning to pace yourself. I did a 5k in April and went out WAAAY too fast for me and slowed down considerably. If I had gone out a bit slower, I think i would have done better overall.
I did the same! I started way too fast!
I’m with you on the 5K distance–it is tough! I hate running “all out” for the entire race. I would much rather run a 10K, 15K, or even Half where I can get into a comfortable groove.