Hey friends! I hope you are all having a good week. We have officially ended our two whole weeks of spring and moved into summer. Man it’s been warm and humid this week! As the owner of a frozen yogurt shop I can’t really complain about the heat because…job security, but it’s not good for running outside! I am sitting outside in the shade under a fan writing this post, and I am still sweating. I understand those of you up north may be green with envy reading this, and while I would hate your winters, I would totally take your summers!
Anyway, who signed up for runDisney marathon weekend on Tuesday? I totally forgot about sign up until a friend reminded me. I have been asked a few times if I was running, and while the original plan was yes, it has changed to a no…or a well, I’m not sure. Trust me, I would love to run the half, it’s an anniversary year for the race, AND it falls on my 10 year wedding anniversary weekend! (January 6). The plan has always been to run it, but there are a few things up in the air for us this winter so I would hate to have to register and then defer. A huge CONRATS to those of you that are running though! You will have so much fun, and I can’t wait to hear your stories. (You can go here for more info on signing up).
I have been reading a lot of blog posts about outdoor play with your kids. Now that it’s plenty warm enough, I want to come up with some fun summer activities for Emma Kate. We have a baby pool and a splash pad, but what else? I’m going to attempt (haha) to make homemade sidewalk paint, and I want to get her a water table, but yall, I think we have established over the years that I am just not a crafty or creative person. Who has tips and ideas for me that are cheap or free?
(When I say cheap or free, I mean…this is what we did on Sunday.)
Lastly, a huge thanks to those of you that continue to sign up for my free goal setting printables and my free how to start a blog e-course. I had a lot of fun working on them, and am in the process of working on some more fun things! I have loved getting the e-mail feedback from you, and hope that you are learning/getting something out of it. I so wish I had someone to walk me through the basics when I was starting out, so I don’t want you to make the same mistakes I did, plus, sometimes everyone just needs a little kick in the butt to get started on something, am I right? (You can sign up for my free e-course here).
Have a great day my friends!
QOTD: Favorite outside activities with your kids? Are you running marathon weekend?

When mine was little we would give him a bucket of water and a paint brush and let him “paint” his slide, the fence, the sidewalk, etc. He also had a fun little sprinkler he liked to run through.
Just what you’re doing is perfect!!! And $1 store side walk chalk works just as good as the other stuff at that age… And please please please send the weather up north… this is just crazy at this point. I was in a winter coat and hat at my daughter softball game yesterday!
Put some small toys in a large tupperware container, fill with water, and freeze it. Then you can dump the giant block of ice on the sidewalk or something and let her figure out ways to get her toys out. Anything she can use like a hammer (age appropriate), warmer water, getting the dog to lick the toy free, etc.
So cute! I love your resourcefulness with the at home water fun! 🙂 No Marathon Weekend for me in 2016…but hopefully 2017!! 🙂
Did you sign up
For 2017?!?
So the absolute best cheaper water table I have found is using a cheap “under bed” storage bin. It’s long enough to float boats and has its own cover. It’s what I used with my preschool babies for water and sand tables since we were supposed to have access to it daily. I also used it with Max for his sand box (kept it outside and never had to worry about animals because of the top.) He loved climbing in it and getting completely sandy but no worries, we used the baby powder trick to get it off ?
Great idea Ana! I may do that for sand. I had to pry her out of the sandbox at school
The other day when I picked her up!
When I was little my mom made me a sandbox and it was so cute. It had a canopy on it and everything. She was so creative that if there was Pinterest back then, I’m sure her sandbox would have gone viral..haha. I’m sure it didn’t cost much but I don’t know how much bags of sand cost these days. I think EK would love a sand box too. You two are gonna have loads of fun playing outside this summer!
I think I’m going to try to make her one!