Hello friends! I am actually typing this post on Friday morning for Sunday (today now, I guess) so I hope by time this is posted you will have all had a fabulous weekend! More on mine later. This morning…er…I mean Friday morning, our new neighborhood YMCA FINALLY opened! Just in the nick of time, because I was starting to go stir crazy in the boot with nowhere to workout! (we cancelled our other membership at for the end of November.) Bobby and I had a great early morning weights workout before he went to work, then I hit the stationary bike for an hour.
Our view while working out:
Can I just say I know I am going to be really, really sore.
It felt really good to sweat again, and it totally changed my mood. I realized the past couple weeks I haven’t been really doing much I have been tired and grumpy, and I felt SO much better after that workout!
Moving on to more randomness, here are a couple of Christmas pictures from my house. I color coordinated my wrapping paper this year. Trying to be all pinterest cool and stuff.
Bella appreciates the wrapping paper.
I hope you all have a great day! See you back here tomorrow for another work week. I can’t believe Christmas is two weeks from today! I want time to slow down so I can enjoy it!
QOTD: What kind of wrapping paper did you use this year? Any reason?

brown paper packages wrapped up with strings… :):) brown paper and red and green yarn with pinterest inspired gift tags (trees made from paint chip samples at home depot)
oh sounds pretty!
I’m still using the wrapping paper Maternal Unit gave me when we first got married. Since most gifts end up in bags (and Husband used the comics section of the newspaper last year), it’s last a long time.
hilarious! love the comics idea
I think we’ve been making the same wrapping paper last for 3 years now! Glad your Y is finally opened – I totally know what you mean about mood changing when you cannot workout! Looks like you guys are all ready for Christmas!
I got some wrapping paper in the $1 bin at Target, it’s a foil/plasticky paper that doesn’t rip very well… but it’s pretty, shiny and easy to wrap with! 🙂