Howdy! Sadly, today’s post will wrap up the “overview” recaps from Healthy Living Summit. Don’t worry, I still have a lot to share with you about things I learned in the sessions, etc, so never fear, you won’t have to wonder what was said/learned in Philly this weekend.
Sunday morning was our Together Counts fun run.
Stephanie, me, and Tanya all in skirts!
Well….There were so many of us and a ton of crosswalks, so we made it kind of a fun walk to the “Rocky steps.”
and we’re walking….we’re walking…
LLLOOOVVEEE these awesome ladies!
Courtney, Julie, me, Allison, and Tina! Had great conversations with ALL of them this weekend. I heart blogger conferences.
Where’s Waldo? Brownie points to whoever can find me!
Bloggers are awesome! I totally stole this pic from the HLS Facebook page (by the way, fellow HLS attendees, feel free to “borrow’ any of my photos from the weekend!)
ooohhh do you see what I see? I will give you a hint:
Eye of the Tiger is totally playing in my head right now.
I got to run up the steps!
and geek out like a totally nerdy tourist.
After having a total FAIL trying to take jumping pictures on the steps (check out Stephanie’s blog for fail shots) We were happy to see that a lot of people had decided to RUN back to complete our 5k fun run. We kept a good pace (I think we were all starving!) and headed to brunch at the hotel. No lie, I was so hungry I took no pics. But it was good. I also got to chat with the Together Counts folks who sponsored the fun run!
Everyone went to shower (we all smelled wonderful by this point. Sorry staff of the Marriott!) and pack up. I SOMEHOW miraculously fit all of my swag into my suitcase I had carried on. I may or may not have had to sit on the thing to close it…..
We met up with some of the girls with later flights to grab lunch at the Reading Terminal Market. I settled on a yummy turkey sandwich!
For dessert, we hit up the Flying Monkey (the Wizard of Oz freaks me out to this day so I was a it skeptical…) Kelly and I split some sort of Smoreo thing which ended up being a good but VERY sticky marshmallow and Oreo concoction. We had our fingers all over this joker, good thing we like each other. HA!
Blurry picture FAIL
Sticky fingers!
It was so fun walking through the terminal seeing several purple shirts!
Everyone else had to go to the airport, so it was sad to say goodbye, but Stephanie and I had flights at the same time (after 6:00) so we had planned on hanging out for the afternoon together! Look how hilarious this is…I am squatting and she is on her toes, bahhaha!
We ended up walking down to some stores so Stephanie could buy some work clothes.
I gave her my opinion as she tried on different outfits. She got a lot of cute stuff for cheap at H&M. We saw the weather was getting dark after that, and decided to head to the airport and use the free WiFi to blog and hang out. We got there before the rain started, stood in a crazy long security line, and found a random empty gate with outlets to plug in at and blogged away.
BOTH our flights ended up being delayed, but I finally made it back to NOLA and to my parents at 9:45 last night, then made the final leg of my journey home this morning. WHEW! What a fun but exhausting weekend. I already can’t wait till next year! (and to load my Google Reader down with new blogs to read! eeekk!)
CRAZY story of the day:
So, we are sitting at this random gate with a flight going to LA, and a couple walks up that looks really familiar. I look at the guy and point, and he sees me and smiles and nods. I get up and go over, and the guy gives me a hug. His wife was totally confused, then it hit her finally…..Two weeks ago remember I was stranded in Charlotte overnight at Jen’s house and then left Charlotte the next morning? Well, that day I stood in a LONG line at security and befriended the couple in line behind me. It was a nice couple going to Rome, they had been stranded overnight in Charlotte when their flight to Rome was cancelled. They were from LA. They were super sweet and I wished them luck and a good trip. So…yeah. IT WAS THE SAME COUPLE! what are the odds I would ever see them again…they were coming home from their Rome trip and I was on a TOTALLY different trip, at a RANDOM gate with a free outlet to blog. It totally made my day, it was the COOLEST thing! I still don’t even know their names, but it sounded like they had a great trip!
Ok so that is it for my HLS highlights, but come back to learn more about what the sessions were about Saturday at the conference! Now, back to normalcy….for now!
QOTD: Have you ever had anything random ever happen to you like I did a the airport? What is a topic you would love to learn more about at a blogger conference?

Glad you had so much fun at HLS, it looks like a blast!
Would you mind sharing those new blogs you are planning on adding to Reader? I’m always looking for new things to read, especially if they give me motivation to get off the couch!
Also (geez, someone is needy this morning!), would you mind describing the IT band problems you had a while back. I’m having some pain in my knee and wondering what the heck it is. Resting this week, hope its enough before I jump into training for the Baton Rouge (Half) Beach Marathon!
hope your knee is ok! mine is usually a tightness on the outside of my kneecap, sometimes it goes up into my thigh or hurts up at my hip flexor. when its REALLY bad it hurt to bent or straighten my leg but its ok when it is still and at 90 degrees. foam rolling, icing, stretching and ibeprofin help.
sure I will share blogs when I get everything all added!
I’m so glad you had a great time at HLS! I hope to be able to attend a blogging conference in the near future 🙂 I’ve been having fun living vicariously through all the recaps on your blogs – so fun!
So one of my random events actually happened in Disney World. We were in Animal Kingdom getting fast passes for the safari and saw people we knew from our town in Michigan! Totally random as we had no idea each other were in Disney!
that has happened to us in Disney too, twice! We were at WCC and saw a guy from college there with his family, and once we were in line for the teacups and same thing, different guy/family. Ok…so maybe we just go to Disney so much the odds of that happening are more?
Hi Heather-Looks like you had a fun time at the conference. 🙂
I found you in the photo (under the “E”, over to the right two people, third row back). So…where’s my brownie? LOL (What? Oh…Brownie POINTS! 🙂 I thought food was involved…love seeing all the tasty goodies in your photos here. 🙂
Tracey! yay! brownie points to you lol! No actual brownies sorry. I think they would melt!
QotD: My random airport story is more of a near scary story. Shortly after 9-11 i was sitting in a terminal and a man with a towel over his head (i know i know, profiling) sits next to me and puts a briefcase next to him. Not long after he sits, he gets up and walks away, leaving the breifcase!!! I was not the only one to notice this as i see others looking around and then everone starts moving away from the bom…briefcase. Thankfully it never did anything, i think someone got security who came to check it out.
P.S. Glad you’re home!
you never told me this before?
Wow!!! That is super crazy!!! I’ve never had anything quite that strange happen to me in an airport before, but I have met two previous boyfriends on flights/in the airport. Apparently airports are a good place to meet people…
wow TWO previous boyfriends, thats insane!
Ahhhhhh that sammich looks so good!!!! Why didn’t I stick with you I could’ve gotten one with you!!
It was so thick and yummy! You totally missed out lol!!
I can’t recall anything random at this time. But…did you eat a pretzel off a cart for me? 🙂
no! we went to the terminal market sunday and a lot of the places were closed, including pretzel place. 🙁
Looks like so much fun!
Too funny about meeting those same people at the airport. Shortly after 9/11, a male security guard undid my belt and jean buttons when I was getting the hand scanner. I thought it was SO innappropriate. Women are only supposed to have to see women security guards, but this was 5am in a small airport.
omg! I would have freaked!
Looks like it was a super fun conference!! Glad you made it home safely, even if after another flight delay.
it’s always me with the delays, right? lol!
lol! It’s usually me too! Guess we’ll see if I still have my delay “luck” as I’m flying on Friday.
It was so great meeting you this weekend! Don’t my little brother I told you this, but I think he has a blog crush on you and ‘Heather from Running with Sass’ was one of the bloggers he was most excited to meet. 🙂 Actually all the Andersons are big fans of yours! Next time we’ll have to actually sit down and chat! I hope you’re enjoying some rest this week!
Aw you are so sweet. I would have loved to talk with you more but I know you were SO busy. Your whole family was so so sweet, I enjoyed getting to chat with each of the Andersons! Your brother is so stinkin cute! Once again, thank you so much for all of your hard work to make HLS great!
Well that makes two of us who forgot to take photos of breakfast…probably because we were about to eat our arm. 😉 Love the sticky fingers photo and that what a coincidence about running into that couple again! It must be pretty common that the flight from CLT to Rome gets delayed often. We had friends hang out with us once because of an overnight delay to Rome last year.
I found marshmellow sticky, somehow, on my camera when I got home, ha!
I love reading all of the HLS recaps – so fun!
I’m wondering if we met at the market on Sunday. I saw some of the people you were hanging out with that afternoon, and think that we may have briefly met.
So glad we connected online, though – going to write back to your thoughts on Healthy Disney. 🙂
SO jealous! I hope I get to go one year!!
hahaha my blog background in a jumping shot on the Rocky Steps