A lot of people don't realize that blessings and suffering are not mutually exclusive. You can most definitely be blessed even in the midst of pain, trials, and suffering. In this video, I discuss some personal trials in my life and why now I am SO glad they happened, how they were a blessing in ...
I really struggle sometimes with looking at the negative in life and forgetting about all the positives. Isn’t that human nature though? Wishing for things we want to change or don’t have but forgetting all the every day blessings? I wanted to take some time out to talk about gratitude, and ...
Palms Up
I am participating in an online Bible study on a book by author Lysa TerKeurst called “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God.” I am only in my first week, but am so enjoying it so far. We are doing a blog hop today, and were asked to answer one question out of a handful to talk about on our ...
Sometimes we (myself included) give the wrong definition to blessings. We think a blessing is when a prayer is answered the way we want, or when something good happens to us. A blessing may evne be defined as getting out of something we didn’t want to do. Generally, when we think of the word, we ...
Doctor’s Orders
So I went to the doctor on Tuesday, confident that my foot was going to be fine, and I would be walking without the boot by that afternoon, and running within a few days. It never crossed my mind that what I wanted may not happen. My foot never really “hurt” except the couple days after I ...
August: Month in Review
Soaking wet Saturday! As we prepare for tropical storm Lee down here on the coast, I thought I would entertain you with a review of August. Who knows if we will lose power, internet, etc? At least this isn’t my first rodeo. Don’t worry, we are going to be careful! Ok, so August. Well, it ...