Happy (Good) Friday yall! Today is a very special day for me. I know a lot of you aren’t religious, but hopefully you know if you had read my blog at all that I am a Christian, so this weekend means a lot to me. I will be visiting with my family all weekend, so I won’t be around much. Bobby ...
Merry Christmas 2013
From our family to yours, have a very Merry Christmas, and remember why we celebrate, the birth of Jesus! Luke 2:1-20 ...
Life Interupted
Hello friends! Today I wanted to share a little more about the Bible study I am participating in, “What Happens When Women Say yes to God.”. We are in week four of the study, and I am having a great time with my first ever online Bible study. What a cool concept and thanks to technology, it is ...
Palms Up
I am participating in an online Bible study on a book by author Lysa TerKeurst called “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God.” I am only in my first week, but am so enjoying it so far. We are doing a blog hop today, and were asked to answer one question out of a handful to talk about on our ...
Something I have really been struggling with lately is planning. I can’t help it. It’s part of who I am, what I do for a living, and what I enjoy. However, this character trait of mine can easily become a negative thing in m life if I let it get too far ahead. What do I mean? I mean sometimes ...
Run with a Purpose
With everything that has happened in the past couple of weeks, many of us are left wondering what we can do. Fears, and the belief that we are insignificant to make a difference, often hinder what God has put us here on Earth to do. I was reminded here lately that God tells us to GO more than he ...