Hello! Sorry for the delayed post. We didn’t get home from Louisiana until last night and I was too tired to upload pictures and write a post. So much happened over the past few days, I wouldn’t have been able to do it justice in my exhausted state of mind! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas ...
Merry Christmas 2015
I know I usually share my card on the 24th or 25th, but we are heading down to Louisiana today, and I will be MIA from blogging until Monday. Bobby’s mom is coming to stay at our house while we are gone, and I’m not even brining my laptop! Per usual, I am post my Christmas card we sent out to our ...
2015 Goal Check In
I have decided in 2016 that I want to go back to monthly goals. It’s something I did for a long time here on THLG, and I just sort of got away from it with pregnancy + a newborn, and it’s high time to get going again. I really enjoy having mini goals instead of year long goals, although those are ...
All About Christmas
Happy Thursday friends! I thought I would break things up with some fun Christmas facts about me and my family, as well as some of our traditions. I would love to hear you answer some of these! 1.) Real of fake tree? We have a fake tree, and I always had a fake one growing up due to owning cats + ...
Santa Fail + North Pole Down South
Over the weekend, not only did I run a 5k race, but we took Emma Kate to go see Santa. If you will remember last year, she was not a big Santa fan at 10 weeks old, so we weren’t sure what was going to happen this time. We drove about ten minutes into the “country” to go to North Pole Down South ...
Thanksgiving 2015
Has everyone come out of their turkey comas yet? On Sunday night as Bobby was eating more leftovers, I told him I just couldn’t do it, and I had waffles for dinner instead. We did have a great few days though, and three different Thanksgivings! Thursday morning we anxiously awaited the arrival of ...