I had a wonderful Christmas holiday, full of fun, family, and food! I hope you had an amazing one as well, and I hope you made some new memories that will last forever! Here are some of my favorite moments from Christmas. My house decorated for Christmas My parent’s tree 3.5 ...
Merry Christmas 2013
From our family to yours, have a very Merry Christmas, and remember why we celebrate, the birth of Jesus! Luke 2:1-20 ...
Disney Cruise Recap 12/13
Hello! I am officially back home. I made it back late morning yesterday, and I have been playing catch up with work since then. I cannot believe Christmas eve is in a week, I feel so unprepared (my Christmas tree has NO GIFTS under it. I am so behind y’all). Anyway, we had a fabulous time on the ...
Evolving Christmas Traditions
Today’s guest post is from GirlsGotSole.com. Enjoy! I've been a vegan for four years now, so this will be my fourth Christmas as a veg. Since the majority of my life was spent as an omnivore, enjoying the "traditional" holiday eating and festivities, I can still vividly recall all those years ...
Thanksgiving 2013
Happy black Friday! No shopping for us today, we are driving about three hours north to visit with Bobby's family today. We had a great day yesterday with my parents and are a ton of food, and more of the same today! I hope you all had a great day with family and friends and continue to enjoy the ...
I really struggle sometimes with looking at the negative in life and forgetting about all the positives. Isn’t that human nature though? Wishing for things we want to change or don’t have but forgetting all the every day blessings? I wanted to take some time out to talk about gratitude, and ...