Hiya! I am so excited to share with you why I think I should be considered for Fitfluentials ambassador program for 2011! When I first heard about this my mind started racing, thinking of all the things I wanted to share about my passion for fitness, health, and representing the SOUTH! (Which just ...
Dance Fever
MORNING!!! How are you, dears? I had a great weekend and hope you did, too! Catching up? Friday Favorites: Foam Roller Team in Training is a go Mother’s Day 2011 So, I had quite the fun weekend! Friday, after Bobby got home from work, we loaded up the car and headed to my parents house for ...
April Rewind
Hi there! Today is a good day. Since Bobby worked from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm yesterday, he isn’t going into work today yay! He still has to make some calls and do some work related things from home, but still. I am excited to get to see him since I literally did not see him until I was going to be ...
Easter Weekend 2011
Happy Better Monday everyone! (Get it, Good Friday, better Monday, heh.) I hope you had a fab time with friends and family this weekend. Bobby is off today instead of being off last Friday so we just came home this afternoon from my parents. Saturday after the service project, we left for my ...