Good morning guys! Today is a little bit hectic but I did want to pop in and say hello, and please hang with me as my posting may be a lit erratic over the next week as we takeover our local Orange Leaf location. We would appreciate your thoughts and prayers this week, it’s going to be wild! The ...
A Year Ago….November Flashback
Thanks for all the kind words on yesterday’s Emergency room post. It made me feel good knowing so many of you have gone to the ER for the same thing or had a family member go. I don’t feel quite so silly now! I am still experiencing slight stomach cramps, but my headache and groggy feeling ...
Good morning! It is quite the good morning indeed! Why you ask? Oh, well, because I have had a great beach vaca, and well…you know….today is my 26th birthday. WOW! I can honestly say this year has flown. When I think back to last years birthday I am kinda sad….I can say that it was the ...
A year Ago Today…May Edition
Every so often I like to do a flashback and see what I was doing this time last year. It usually elicits one of two responses from me. The first being “wow I am so happy I am done with that phase of my life/week/thing” and the second being “crap. Why can’t things be like they used to be?” ...
Friday Favorites: Easter
Happy Good Friday everyone! I would have to say good Friday is the best Friday of the year. I hope everyone is having a great day! I am excited for the weekend, Bobby is working today but is off on Monday, 3 day weekend! Thanks for all the encouragement about my decision to run with Team in ...