Another Weekend has come and gone. I am sad, but at the same time, excited because some fun things are going on soon at RWS! First of all, soon, I will be hosting ANOTHER raffle for TNT and the Leukemia and Lymphoma society!!! I am working on an all-star lineup of prizes, so stay ...
long run
The Inferno
Are you having a super Sunday? I hope so! I am going to church and then a baby shower/lunch. Fun! We southerners revolve everything around food in case you haven’t noticed. So, let me tell you a little bit about the inferno that was a part of my run yesterday….SO….I wanted to get up at 6 ...
No Regrets
HHHHIIII! I am happy today! I was afraid that when I woke up, my knee would be in some serious pain from going up and over a huge hilly bridge twice, totaling 6.75 miles (the farthest I have run since the Mardi Gras half in February!) I did wake up in pain….but it was my quads and calves ...
Little of This, Little of That
Hey everyone! It’s a chilly here in south Louisiana! I hope everyone had a fab weekend. Mine was busy with lots of driving. In case you need to catch up, Friday, I finally did my accent vlog. Saturday, I talked about the reality of my move which is coming up very, very soon. Yesterday I was super ...