It's that time again! The time where I Google "what do I get my XYZ for Christmas?" I struggle with gifts but LOVE doing it so I want them to be perfect. Here is a list of some great gifts for the woman in your life (mom, friend, teacher) and even some discounts! Happy shopping! *Some products ...
Christmas 2021 Recap
Happy 2022! A new year is here, and being the enneagram 3 that I am, loves this time of year because it's full or promise, goal setting, and dreaming. Before I dive into 2022 on another post, I wanted to give a quick Christmas recap. I admit I had a good laugh a few times over the holiday. Back at ...
Christmas Recap 2017
Happy January guys! I can't believe it's now 2018. How many of you are still forgetting and writing 2017 on everything? Hand raise! We had a great Christmas, but just like every year it flew by so fast and I want it back! Here are a few of my favorites photos and things we did. The Friday before, ...