Tomorrow is THE day! The day that I run in my first team ultra marathon relay. Am I excited? Yes… Am I scared…. YES! I have already packed my things and am ready to head to Baton Rouge tomorrow. I have 5 outfits in their own ziploc bags so when I change I can seal them up = less stink. ...
WAHOOOO! I have officially been CLEARED to run again! I went to the doctor yesterday morning, and he said I could start back slowly as long as I didn’t have any pain. He said the pain I had after our last visit was probably a bruise from him pressing on it. I told him it was a different pain ...
Turkey Trot 5k 2011
Good morning! IN an attempt to not be sad that the holiday weekend is over, I thought I would do a race recap of the Turkey Trot Bobby and I ran on Thanksgiving morning. When my alarm went off at 6:00, I seriously considered just not getting up. I knew once I was up I would be fine, so I ...
Hood to Coast Movie
Awhile back, I was contacted and asked to review the Hood to Coast movie. I have of course heard of Hood to Coast from people who have run it, seen the film, etc. I did not get a chance to see it in theaters so I was excited to have this opportunity. Not going to lie, I knew the BASIC idea ...
Providence Rock ‘N’ Roll half Marathon
Howdy from Mississippi! I am FINALLY home! More on that later. I have pictures and fun stores to share with you from the expo etc, but I figured I would just start with the half marathon/recap for the actual race and then backtrack ok? OK! Here we go! Michelle and I didn’t get finished ...
Splish Splash
Oh boy what a day!!! I am wiped! before I tell you about it I will tell you a little about yesterday. My parents drove over this way and we went to a graduation ceremony at Bobby’s work, and they wanted to see the campus/where he works etc. Then we went to dinner at the buffet at the Palace ...