Another Monday in May! Where is this month going?!? It’s already halfway over! Not that I’m complaining, it just means closer to vaca time for me! Catching up from the weekend? Friday, I did a Friday flashback post of what I was doing a year ago today. WOW things sure are different in my life ...
New Race Plans!
Friday eve again! I am in a great mood today. This has been a very up and down week but I am feeling good. In part because I have something VERY special to share with you all today about my future race plans. I am going to be running the Gulf Coast Half Marathon/Mandeville Half in ...
Being Realistic
Another gloomy day here. Boo! where did my beautiful sunshine-y days go? It’s humid again, but at least it’s still warm. I feel bad for all the people still experiencing winter-like weather! I’m sure spring is REALLY coming soon for you guys! I have a confession: I ALMOST registered for another ...
Mardi Gras Rock ‘n’ Roll 2011 Recap Part II
It’s Monday! I hope you are having a good day. I ran some errands with my mom this morning and it’s so beautiful outside, I think I am going to have to go for a quick run later! First things first. Have you entered my giveaway yet? It is open until next Sunday. Check it out! But first, the ...
Mardi Gras half race pictures part II
My lovely running buddy KarenTook some great pics, as did her husband, so I stole some to put here. Check out her blog for the story from her view! also, has the race pics up! my bib was 13376 here are a few I thought I would share Ice cream at the riverwalk the night ...
Mardi Gras RnR Race Recap!
I had a BLAST this weekend! The weather was beautiful for the race, I met my goal, and the whole weekend was fun. I feel like I can't recap without telling some of the details of the weekend and showing pictures, so I hope yall don't mind I add that in, too! Here we go! Friday night we drove down ...