It’s Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday! So how many of you hate me now for getting that song stuck in your head? Your welcome! Ok, so how many of you have been obsessed with smoothies now that it’s summertime? MEMEMEME! It’s weird. I VERY rarely eat smoothies in the winter, but as ...
Running Skirts
Pay Attention
Oh hi there! Now that I have your attention…heh. Anywho, I want to chat with you today about something I have been thinking about over and over the past couple weeks since I got back from vacation and have really been trying to eat better. If you know me at all, which hopefully you do, ...
Running Skirts Sales Summit Day 2
Mmooorrrrnnniiinnnggg! catching up from the weekend? Running Skirts Sales Summit The Disney Dream part 1 Happy Father’s Day 2011 I hope everyone had a fab weekend! I will have pictures from Father’s Day up tomorrow. We had a great time at my parents house. My dad liked his gifts. Ok, ...
Running Skirts Sales Summit
FRIDAY! I know I have been slacking on the Friday Favorites posts, but I REALLY want to tell you about my time with my new running skirts family, and don’t want to wait till Monday, so once again, no Friday favorites. But I think you will like this post! Ok so we left off at the train ...
California Fun Part 2
Ok so we left off after a fun filled night at downtown Disney in California. Oh wait, did you miss part one? check it out HERE. Ok, moving on. So Sunday the weather was equally beautiful. I woke up wide awake at 6:00, even got up and did some things on the computer and called Bobby. Then I ...
Time Zone Madness
Hello from Houston! Can I just say I am EXHAUSTED! I had a FABULOUS time in California, but I am ready to be home with my family and out of airports, train stations, and cars. My body is so confused on what time it is, should be, etc. This morning the sales reps enjoyed a relaxing breakfast ...