Check out part 1 and part 2 before reading part 3! I left off part 2 when it started to get dark. When Jennifer came back to finish off round 2 for us, Kristyn started round 3, and Jennifer started the first bike leg. We drove to the next exchange point to wait for our first bike/run duo ...
ultra marathon relay
Coming Up
Morning friends! Happy Valentine's Day! Bobby bought me a piece of furniture that goes with our bedroom set for Valentine's day. It's a media chest and it's so pretty! I will have to take pictures and show you. I decided to wait and work on my Rouge Orleans recap until I have amazing photos ...
I survived Rouge Orleans
Wow, what a weekend! I survived Rouge Orleans with minimal damage, but it is not something I plan to do again anytime soon! We finished, and it was a hard fought battle. I have a ton of great stories and pictures to share, but they will have to wait. I only slept 1.5 hours from the time I got up at ...
Rouge Orleans
A while back you may remember me doing a review for the Hood to Coast Movie. I was so intrigued with the whole relay idea, and when I found out there was one that went 126 miles from Baton Rouge LA to New Orleans, I knew I had to run. I loosely formed a team, but we never could get it ...