I can’t believe it. Emma Kate is officially 3 months shy of turning 2 years old! As I stated when she turned one, I would do quarterly updates on how she is doing, and it’s time for another one. Things have changed quite a bit since EK was 18 months old. She now says tons of words, and has ...
Emma Kate: Month 18
I can’t believe my baby girl is a year and a half old today! So much is going on over here at this age that I don’t even know where to start. Emma Kate has been teething lately, getting her canines on the bottom, and it has not made her a happy camper obviously. She also had an ear infection in ...
Emma Kate: 15 Months
Emma Kate will be 15 months old on Christmas eve, and I wasn’t sure how or when I would do more updates on her. However, I saw a fellow blogger doing quarterly updates on her baby after previously doing monthly like I was, so I thought three months was a good time gap to share some new goings on ...
Emma Kate: Month 11
WOW. My little baby is less than one month away from being a big girl. I’m not ready! This has been the quickest year of my life, I really have no idea where it went. We are in the thick of party planning for next month, how is this possible?!? Emma Kate looks and acts so grown up, and her ...
Emma Kate: Month 8
Another month gone by! It’s no secret I really struggled with getting used to motherhood when Emma Kate was a newborn, but these past couple of months have gotten so much more fun as EK continues to show more of her little (or should I say BIG) personality. We had some great weather this past ...
Emma Kate: Month 7
We are now officially on the downside of the hill headed towards having a one year old! Emma Kate turned seven months old on Friday. She also learned that she can smear mommy’s chalkboard. Oy. Oh, where to begin, where to begin. With the warmer weather, Emma Kate and I have been getting ...