It’s not secret I have a VERY short attention span. Running three days in a row is no good for me. I get bored, overworked, and burnt out. This poses a problem since I am trying to tone and burn as quickly as possible before the cruise. (Once again for clarity sake, I do not think I need to lose ...
Have some Fun while Working Out
Hump Day is here! It’s cloudy, windy, and dreary, AGAIN! We had so many sunny beautiful days in early April, what’s the deal?!? Everyone having a good day? yes? I am waiting on someone to come fix our shower door, so I am stuck in the house this morning anyway. Last night, I didn’t feel ...
Always an Athlete
When I moved into my new house, I found a bunch of old sports pictures I had been meaning to scan. I lost my printer CD (I use my printer to scan, too) so they just sat there. Then yesterday Karen posted some old sports pictures of herself and that motivated me to find the driver online and ...