Rushing to the airport, baggage in hand, people often forget an essential item for their upcoming trip. But, whether it’s a phone charger or comfy walking shoes, some things should never be left behind. As long as you remember these bare essentials, your trip can go smoothly.
Here are 10 items everyone should always bring with them on their journey:
A Smaller Bag
No matter if it’s a backpack or duffel bag, don’t forget this one! It will make traveling around much easier. Most places have limited space for luggage and only offer small lockers to put in bags while exploring the area. Also, make sure you pack light since many lockers cost money to store luggage. It’s also nice to have an extra bag in case you bring home items you bought on the trip!
Extra Clothes
This is one of the most important things you will need during your trip. Bringing an extra set of clothing will ensure that you don’t miss out on any fun because you’re stuck wearing stained, wet, or clothes. Also don’t forget to pack for different types of weather. Layering is always a great idea.
Copies of identification and originals should always be brought along with travelers for security purposes. In addition, having them ready at all times will allow one quick access when crossing borders, renting cars or taking flights. Usually, bringing a passport will suffice for most travel destinations. Still, it’s always good to be prepared for worst-case scenarios.
Personal Hygiene Items
If anything should happen, make sure you are ready to take care of personal needs by bringing along toiletries. This means things like shampoo, conditioner, soap, and a toothbrush. It’s also helpful to bring prescription drugs you may need since they aren’t always offered over the counter in other countries or under certain conditions.
A Good Book
There’s nothing worse than traveling all day on a flight or long bus ride only to get to your destination and realize you have no one to talk to. If you’re going on any type of trip where your journey will be longer than 3 hours, make sure to pack a book if you get bored. Nothing is worse than being stuck in an uncomfortable position with nothing else to distract yourself from, so bring a book or magazine along!
This is one of the most important essentials you will need during the summer months if visiting an area with a warm climate. But, sunscreen does not just protect you from sun rays; it shields you from ice-cold air during the winter, ensuring your skin does not get dry from the cold weather. Don’t forget you can still burn in cooler weather!
Painkillers, Imodium, allergy medications, etc., are all small yet necessary items that should be brought along on trips just in case some kind of incident happens unexpectedly. Depending on where you are traveling they may not be easy to purchase, so be prepared.
Hydrocortisone Cream
This is helpful for people who are allergic to certain types of foods or environments since it treats mild rashes and irritations caused by inflammation in the body. This can be especially helpful when traveling abroad since some areas have different ingredients in the food that westerners may not be used to. Bring hydrocortisone cream just in case!
A Water Bottle With A Filter
Filtered water is always essential when traveling, especially when visiting areas where water purity is questionable. However, bottled water can be costly, and it’s not environmentally friendly to throw away so many plastic bottles. Using a water purifier that comes in a water bottle is perfect. Just add water and drink!
Tile Slim
Tile has become a popular and valuable item for most people. Tile is an item that helps track down misplaced items. It can help save time when trying to find keys, laptops, or any other belongings in general. So keeping track of personal belongings when out is easier than ever! (Perfect for people like my husband who misplaces everything!)
Start Packing
So, what are you waiting for? Whether you’re traveling for work or pleasure, make sure to pack these essentials so you can enjoy your trip sans stress. I hope you are planning to go somewhere fun and make some amazing memories.

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