They say there is a first time for everything, but I did not anticipate my first time going to the emergency room to be Thursday night. I had gone to bed about 10:00 and Bobby was awake still in the game room. I was woken up to a stabbing pain in my stomach. It got worse and worse, so I went and told Bobby I didnโt feel well, then proceeded to get so nauseated I almost passed out on the floor.
I was sweating, hot, shaking, in pain, and scared. I didnโt know what was going on, and after about five minutes of not knowing what to do, we decided to go to the hospital. Bobby drove really fast with the flashers on but it felt like it took FOREVER to get there. The hospital is a good 20 minutes away from the house. There is a giant billboard by the hospital that tells you how many minutes you have to wait for a doctor, and it currently said four, so my hopes were up I would feel better soon.
I barely made it inside before another wave of nausea hit me and I literally had to lay down on the floor of the emergency room. Two security guards helped me into a wheelchair and they brought me back to a room, and after Bobby got me settled they had him go move his car and they didn’t let him back to be with me.
A nurse came in and took my temperature, blood pressure, etc. People kept coming in asking me questions like was I on drugs, what medicines had I been taking, was I allergic to anything. I kept asking why it was taking so long, they seemed to be taking their precious time. A nurse came in and helped me into a gown and I kept trying to throw up I was so nauseated and hot. I kept saying I felt like I was on fire, it was miserable. I kept thinking โitโs been more than 4 minutes!โ I didnโt understand why people were not rushing around trying to get me out of pain as soon as possible.
The doctor finally came in and asked me more questions, felt my stomach, and ordered x rays. A nice lady came in and took them and I was shaking so bad they told me to hold my breath so they could get a clear picture. Then, a nurse came in and said I had to go pee in a cup. I gave her a strange look because I couldnโt stand up let alone walk to a bathroom down the hall. She helped me and stayed in the bathroom with me. Itโs funny, normally I would have been so embarrassed to go to the bathroom in front of a stranger, but when you are in the moment you just flat out donโt care.
The doctor came back and basically told me I had the most common cause of abdominal pain, severe constipation. Huh? I felt so silly, but he assured me it was no joke, that he has had it before and it feels like 100 knives are stabbing you, and it will make you throw up from the pain (which I was trying to do.) I asked how this happened, I eat fiber, I run, I go to the bathroom regularly, and he said sometimes it just happens. The ONLY thing we could think of was that I have been running so much lately, but then I havenโt run since last Saturday since I hurt my footโฆso maybe my body went from being super active to me sitting on the couch so it messed with my system.
Trying to smileโฆThis is right after the demerol haha.
So, they gave me demerol through an IV for the pain and they finally let Bobby back in to see me. It took over an HOUR for me to get the meds, I have never in my life been in so much pain. Apparently Bobby was frustrated they wouldnโt let him back there and they kept saying as soon as the doctor was done he could see me but no one ever came in my room so he was mad they were lying to him.
I honestly thought I was going to die, it was so frightening. As soon as they gave me the meds and Bobby came back I feel asleep, and soon the doctor came back in and said the rest of the scans look clear. I went to stand up and instantly got nauseated so they gave me two of some pill that dissolves under your tongue. I had such dry mouth though it wouldnโt dissolve and it was so gross. I was finally able to stand up to walk out and nausea hit me again. I found a random wheelchair and sat down and attempted to throw up again while Bobby got the car. So, 2.5 hours after this all started, we made it home and I instantly fell asleep.
I have slept on and off all day and have a major headache from the demerol. Also my stomach feels crampy and sore I guess its just achy and tired from going through so much last night. Hopefully I feel fine tomorrow!
So, that my friends is my first trip to the ER, definitely unexpected and unwelcomed.
QOTD: Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever had to go to the ER for anything?

You’re not alone. I’ve had a few ER visits and one of them was for the same thing you had. I thought I was dying! I was so embarrassed when I found out but I was told that it also just happens and is quite painful! I’m glad you are starting to feel better though.
exactly! embarrassing but so glad to know other people understand the pain!
Your situation with the ER has never happened to me, but I was a frequent flier during my pregnancy. Starting when I was around 17 weeks pregnant, I was woken up with what I would call bad indigestion. The pain immediately went around to my upper back, and there are no words for how bad it was. Honestly, being pregnant, I just thought it was really bad reflux or something, which is a pretty common symptom. The third time it happened, in the middle of begging DH to make it stop, he called my doc, and we went to the local ER, which is not the hospital I was delivering at. They took blood, and my pancreatic enzymes came back in the 600s (normal is under 100). After THIRTEEN hours in that ER, I was transferred by ambulance to my hospital, and diagnosed with gallstones, and told to stay on a diet of 30-40 grams of fat per day. This was in June.
I’d been managing the pain well with the diet, but everything fell apart in August. I was in pain all the time, no matter what I ate. I was admitted again the day before one of my showers. Thankfully, I was released the next day with a prescription of Dilaudid (morphine based med), and made it to my shower.
That night, I got a searing pain across my stomach and back again. 3 pills later I was still in severe pain, so back to the ER it was. By this point, they knew me! Back up the maternity unit I went, I was given an NST to check for contractions (I was 34 weeks pregnant), and more blood was taken. After 1/2 an hour, the doctor came back and told me my blood levels were in the 1,000s-2,000s, she was waiting for a call from one of the major hospitals in Boston to see where I’d be transferred, and I was having contractions so I needed steroid shots to develop the baby’s lungs in case I delivered early.
I ended up getting diagnosed with pancreatitis, which can be very serious for anyone, let alone someone pregnant. After a procedure to removed some stones, a five day hospital stay (and my Little One staying put!) I got to go home, and was fine for the rest of my pregnancy until I could get my gallbladder removed 8 weeks after my daughter was born.
Sorry my story is so long…and this is the shortened version! You get a cookie if you finished!
omg that sounds so miserable, I am so sorry you had to go through that!
I forgot to add that I hope you’re on the mend!
I’m so glad that everything is okay! It’s so scary to have severe abdominal pain – and then to find out its something like constipation can be…depressing almost. I’m glad that they were able to figure it out.
Now to the part that angered me – why on earth could Bobby not go in there?!? I can’t imagine being in pain and not having my hubby there. I don’t even understand why a family member couldn’t join you. So frustrating! And the ER doctors always take forever – we thought it was just our little town hospital – but apparently it’s common everywhere. How nice…
I know. when I saw the billboard said ER to doctor in 4 minutes and it didn’t happen I was so mad! liars! lol!
I TOTALLY GET WHAT YOU’RE GOING THROUGH! The same thing happened to me back when I was younger. Intense abdominal pain out of nowhere, I wanted to throw up so bad but couldn’t, and I couldn’t even stand up straight. I ended up in urgent care with abdominal x-rays and got the same diagnosis. Oh man, it was the worst. It has to be from the fact that you’ve not been running and up and around as much. I am so sorry this happened to you. And I work in a hospital in nursing. I see absolutely NO reason why your husband shouldn’t have been allowed to be in the room with you. That is CRAZY. It’s not like you came in as a trauma patient or something where he could have been in the way as they attempted to save your life. That’s RIDICULOUS. If you get a post-hospital visit survey (most hospitals send those out), I would seriously tell them all your complaints. That is absolutely not acceptable. I’m glad you’re on the mend!
The only thing we can figure is that maybe they thought he had poisoned me or something so they didn’t want him back there till they knew what it was. still dumb, but thats all we can figure!
The same thing happened to my younger sister back when we were just kids. As in she was some single digit age. It was so scary I felt terrible for her. I was convinced she was poisoned and dying. Of course she was fine and they administered an enema, which she hated, but then she was better. Knowing she was OK me in all my young teen (if that) maturity laughed until the cows came home that she has soapy water shot up her butt. Aren’t sisters wonderful? Honestly though I am so sorry that happened to you! And I’m glad it wasn’t anything too serious.
BTW when I come off a lot of running and then being less active, even if my diet stays the same, the same thing happens to me…not as severe, but that is probably what it was.
thats so weird, but ya thats the only explanation I can think of. I am def. going to go for some walks today even if I can’t run yet!
Oh wow. So glad you are getting better. That is crazy scary!
I have not had a trip to the ER ever…so I should probably go knock on some wood or something! Chris, The Husband, had to drive himself to the ER a few years ago when he was puking non-stop and just shaking. I was an hour out of town and on my way back but he was so sick he drove himself. Turns out he had some serious issues with his appendix and had emergency surgery! Scary!
Get better!
I hope your feeling better soon. I’ve been to the ER for that same reason, but I don’t think my case was as severe because I didn’t have the nausia, and I wasnt given any pain meds. I also went to the ER when I was PG with my twins, I was having allot of pain and we were worried about the babies. Turns out it was a kidney stone. Again hope you feel better soon.
the nausea was the worst b/c it hit in waves. I guess my body couldn’t handle the pain so I got nauseated and kept trying to throw up!
ER visits suck. Your story reminds me when I was 17w pregnant and was lied to by the Dr.
Anyway, glad you’re ok and that you made it this long without ever going to the ER. Your symptoms sounded like when I first started experiencing endometriosis, so I’m soooo glad you don’t have that. Feel better!
thats what was so scary, I had NO idea what it was and I kept thinking of all of these things it could have been and it scared me to death!
That sounds awful girl…..feel better and get lots of rest ๐
Aw the emergency room. Visited when my appendix ruptured, which wasn’t as bad as my actual hospital stay, where my nighttime nurse barely spoke English. And when I say barely, I really mean she didn’t and that was when I was in the worst amount of pain. I still have nightmares about that experience.
oh thats awful!
oh no, im sorry you had such a miserable time. if it makes you feel any better about the nurse being with you while you peed–she didnt care at all. Im a nurse and there are so many things that you get totally used to in the hospital and she didnt even think twice about it. I’m glad your problem was fairly easily solved–no surgery or anything like that. Hope you get to pooping soon ๐
What a night. I am so glad you are okay. That must have been just terrifying. I would have been panicking too. I’m sorry they treated you poorly. I used that medicine once for nausea for morning sickness. It tastes disgusting. I hope you are starting to feel better!
mine was injected into an IV so I have no idea how it tastes, I just know it worked rreeeaallyyy fast!
I’m glad you’re okay! That’s so crazy they wouldn’t let you see your husband, it’s not like you were life or death ill or something where they would have needed you quarantined or something! And I do agree, it seems embarassing that you were in the ER for that, but thank goodness it was something like that and not anything more serious. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
The same exact thing happened to me at work a few years back! I was in my bosses office doing my annual review and started having so much pain I ended up doubled over in pain and in tears! Everyone thought I was having an appendicitis so my husband rushed me to the urgent care at our doctor and turned out after xrays and an MRI it was just severe constipation! I felt like such an idiot but it is such an incredible amount of pain. Hope you feel better soon!!
I cannot believe the amount of people who have said this has happened to them. I never even know it could be an “issue’ like that! Its weird how fast it just hit me all of the sudden!
Oh goodness! I thought you were gunna say it was a burst appendix (happened to my boyfriend a few years ago. One of the very few times I’ve ever seen him cry). Happy you are on the men!
Yikes, I’m really glad you’re ok! That sounds really scary. I am glad they gave you good pain medicine. A few years ago… I had a migraine, I used to get them a lot more before my thyroid problems were diagnosed. I tried to sleep it off but I couldn’t and I guess I was clenching my neck funny and I ended up tweaking a nerve in my neck – only I didn’t know it. So all of the sudden my shoulder started going numb and I thought I was having a stroke. It was terrifying. So I went to the ER and the first thing they had me do was pee in a cup too! Apparently I looked like someone who was a drug addict or something. Anyway, as soon as I had the demerol I felt a million times better but I was so high! I fell asleep but woke up because I thought I heard laughing and then I realized it was me… I was actually laughing out loud in my sleep and I woke myself up. It was so scary. I seriously can’t understand how people do hard drugs. Ugh.
Anyway, long story short even though it was a migraine I’m so glad I went and found out it wasn’t something more serious. Being in that much pain is terrifying and I’m so glad you’re alright!!
wow that sounds scary!
Oh Heather- how scary & painful that must have been for you! I can’t imagine feeling that way, out of control, and not having someone there with me. I’m glad that it didn’t end up being something really serious, and I hope you’re back to feeling better!
Wow, what a night! Hope you are feeling much better today! Thankfully no ER trips for me except once when I was little and had a really high fever.
I’m glad it wasn’t anything serious! I had to go to the ER the week before my marathon because I was getting stabbing pain in my stomach when I was running and I was concerned it might be the onset of appendicitis. I’m so glad that it wasn’t for either of us! Hope you’re doing better now.
I know how you feel! When I was in high school, I had almost the same thing happen to me. My mom and I seriously thought I had appendicitis because I was in so much pain! She took me to the Dr. the next day and I felt SO stupid because I was just constipated. He sent me home with a jug full of medicine to drink to help clear me out. I took two swallows of it and then my gag reflexes kicked in because it was so chalky. To this day, I can not make myself take liquid medicine. Glad you’re ok!
My first trip to the ER wasn’t horrible, but it was after a motorcycle wreck where I’d just slid across the interstate. I just had bad road rash, but I felt like the care I was given was horrible. They didn’t clean any of my wounds out because I flinched whenever they would touch them, yet you could see pieces of asphalt in the wounds that obviously had to come out! I complained of my neck and elbow hurting and had to literally beg them to take x-rays to make sure I hadn’t fractured or broken anything. You’d think after hearing I was in a motorcycle wreck and had slid across the interstate they’d want to cover their butts and make sure nothing was wrong. Instead I had to practically force them to take the x-rays and then went home with dirty wounds that I had to clean out myself with hydrogen peroxide. NOT FUN!
omg! what an awful experience!
Yuck, I’m sorry you had to go to the emergency room.. I have to say that when you wrote that you laid on the floor in the ER I cringed and my face is still cringing.
Glad you are feeling better. I’ve only been to the ER twice (that wasn’t work related). Once for stiches when I was 2, and once to the trauma center for a car accident.
ha trust me its not something I would normally do but I was on the verge of passing out lol!
I have food allergies that seem to come on the older I get. But before I found out what they were I went through several years of diarrhea/constipation. it was AWFUL!!! the reason I went to the DR finally was that one early morning morning(2am) as I lay on the bathroom floor unable to move, dry heaving and diarrhea I knew something was NOT right!!! My point.. make sure you are not forming food allergies.. or food sensitivities. BTW you know you are a runner when you can talk randomly to people about poop hahaha
I worry about allergies…I need to get tested.
HA I may not be a lot of things on my blog but I pride myself in being honest, poop and all!
Glad to hear you’re on the mend! It must have been so scary not knowing what was going on!! I don’t remember my only ER visit because I was 3 years old – pnuemonia.
I have been through something similar in the past 3 months. It is so not fun! Hope you are feeling better.
I have had the same thing happen, but it is best to go to the hospital if you have similar pain in the future (if you still have an appendix at least), because that was me 1 year ago thinking it ass the same thing, but it was my appendix. My surgeon said it looked like it would have ruptured later in the day, so at least it came out when it did.
When I started reading this I was thinking appendix! Glad you are ok and it was only “minor”. Haha, in comparison I guess!