Hey there! If you don’t know me – and let’s face it – I’m relatively new to this blogging thing so you probably don’t yet :). I’m Alyssa from FunFitFashionable, a Pennsylvania native interested in everything health and fitness related, and living an all around healthy and balanced life. Running with Sass has been awesome enough to let me guest post for her today.
I felt inspired to share the importance of strength training and yoga during marathon and half marathon training for all of you runners out there.
I recently ran my first half marathon based off of a training plan which did include both, but as many running newbies do, I undermined their importance in my mileage.
Through a few of my longer runs upon getting closer to the half marathon, I noticed some aches and pains throughout my neck as well as my left knee, and they didn’t disappear completely on race day either. The first 10 miles were smooth, but my knee gave out for the last 3.1 miles.
If there was more of a focus on strengthening the muscles supporting my knees, especially during those final weeks, I guarantee I would have had a better turnout. Sometimes runners get so caught up with the joy and release of running, that we forget how important strong muscles throughout the rest of our body are in maintaining our endurance.
Strength training isn’t only necessary for the lower body when running, but also for the upper body. Think about it. Strong abs help us to have a strong back, which can only help us stand tall and breathe more efficiently during runs.
That being said, I have my next half marathon in 3 weeks! I will be doing the Runner’s World Half Marathon, and The last few weeks I have greatly focused on much more strength training so as to not re-injure my knee. Hopefully this time will go smoother, but I’m glad to be able to have knowledge from my first half to apply to the future, and of course to share with other runners!
QOTD: Do you strength train and do yoga as a runner? Do you think it helps?

You are right, and I don’t do any strength training even though I know better! I’ve got to start it AND I really need to start eating healthier, too. I think my running has slowed down because of the amount I’m eating all the time and not working my core!
Thanks for the reminder!
I’ve been dying to join a yoga class and just as soon as I found one, my hours at work changed. Hopefully, will find something to fit my schedule soon.