WOW. I can’t believe I have been blogging for three years. It’s so funny how something can not be a part of your life at all, and then in a blink of an eye it becomes so important and special to you, that you can’t imagine NOT doing it!
Check out my one and two year blogiversary posts, too!
photo from my first half marathon, don’t I look thrilled?
This my friends, was my very first blog post. It cracks me up to go back and read it now. When I first started I was in my first year of teaching and did not blog steadily/every day like I do now, but it was a start, and my oh my the places it has taken me! I am so grateful for a good friend of mine who said she was starting a blog and encouraged me to start one too. I wonder what I would be doing today if I hadn’t started RWS? So odd to think about.
I am going to get all sappy for a moment so stay with me. Reading back on my two anniversary posts and thinking about where I was then and where I am now…it just blows my mind in so many different ways. So many things have changed, some for the better and some for worse unfortunately, but I can see how much I have grown up in my writing and as a person thanks to my little blog.
Gulf coast half October 2012
I have made some amazing friends, had awesome fun times with other bloggers, grown some thick skin, and branched out in ways I never could have imagined. However, I take no credit for the places my blog has brought me. Everything I have and am blessed with is all because of God’s awesome grace and love. It hasn’t always been an easy road, but we learn the most when it gets bumpy don’t we?
I have so many ideas, so many things I want to do and accomplish and I am so so very blessed to have this platform from which I can share my heart with you guys. Some of you have been with me from the beginning and I am forever grateful. I have learned that that some tasks may really seem impossible, and sometimes its discouraging and you feel like you aren’t making a difference. But all it takes is a good attitude and a willing heart and you can be used in so many ways.
Friends, God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. YOU can do anything you set your mind to, don’t ever think you are too small or insignificant to be great, to be used, to be a rock star. Some are great writers or speakers, or athletes, and some are great friends and listeners. We all play a part, and don’t ever shy away from a dream or a goal because you think it’s impossible, because it’s not!!! Take risks, follow your heart, and be kind.
I can’t wait to see what this next year of blogging brings, so I hope you will stick around RWS and stop in for a visit from time to time. I have the best readers ever, and I am so thankful for you all….you brighten my day with your sweet encouraging words and I appreciate you so much, even when I don’t have time to reply to every comment, know that I read them all!
So, Happy Birthday Running With Sass, may you celebrate many, many more.
QOTD: Bloggers, what is something you learned about bloggers this year? Non bloggers, what is something you love seeing on blogs you read?

happy blogiversary!
Happy blogiversary! Blogging can certainly add so much to life, and I’m so happy that you did start blogging:) Enjoy the day!
Happy blog anniversary! I just had my 3-year too. Hard to believe. I had no idea where the journey would take me that’s for sure.
Happy 3 years of blogging to you! It’s crazy how fast time flies, huh? It will be 3 years for me in January.
And I’m so with you on that God qualifies the called. sometimes I feel so silly thinking of my blog as a “calling” in any sense…but it DOES act as a platform to share Him in my life with others and to carry out my passions with His heart because they all come from Him anyway.
Here’s to great things for you in the coming year!
Yay, happy blog anniversary!!!
happy blogiversary!!! keep up the good work 🙂 love your blog!
Happy Blogiversary! 😀 Three years is quite the commitment, nice work! 🙂
Wow, three years! Congratulations. This year, I learned to blog! Just in case you were wondering just how inspiring something like this can be, I started my own blog about running after reading Running with Sass and I can truly say it has helped me a lot in developing and maintaining a running habit.
May Running with Sass live long and prosper! Horray!
Congrats and happy anniversary. I discovered your blog after the Princess this year, and I’ve enjoyed all the posts 🙂
Happy bloggerversary! Here’s to many more!
Happy 3 years of blogging!! Here’s to many many more!
Three years is a great milestone! Congrats! Celebrate it big and have a great day! Keep the stories rolling! Spa <3
Wow- Happy 3 years! I love that blogging gives me a sense of community that I don’t really have at home. The support and encouragement is awesome!
Happy Blogiversary!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t blog myself as I wouldn’t know how to even begin and I rarely have my camera with me or I forget to take pictures. I can say that I started reading your blog since I found you on twitter and I actually started a little notebook with all of my running/training thoughts about products, pains I have had and just troubles. I can say that I can look back at pictures of me in May of 2012 and I weighed 247 but now I weigh 186 so I am very happy! some posts carry a motivational edge to me and help me get up and run in the morning.
Thank you very much for everything!
P.S. I missed meeting you during the W&D Half marathon weekend, maybe another time.
Happy blogiversary! I’ve definitely learned to not dwell on what other people think from my blog and apply it into my personal life everyday. Valuable lesson, I think!
Happy Blogiversary girl 🙂 I love the blogging community and my FitFluential peeps. Both on and off the computer!
Happy Blogoversary Heather!! Congrats on 3 years. I’ve learned so much from bloggers this year but the thing that I take away the most is the support and community that I’ve found through blogging.
happy blogiversary!!! It’s crazy how fast time goes by sometimes. Looking back I can’t believe I’ve been blogging as long a I have, either
Yay!! Happy Blog-iversary!!!
Yeee!!! So exciting!
I’ve learned so much from my fellow bloggers and made awesome friends along the way!
Happy Blogiversary!!
Happy Blogoversary and hopefully you have many more :-)!
Happy blogiversary, Heather! Here’s to another amazing three years!
yeahhh happy blogiversary!! i love your attitude you are so right