I can’t believe it’s officially fall! It doesn’t exactly feel like fall around here, but we are moving in the right direction. Yesterday, Bobby and I woke up at 6:00 to go run ten miles, and the first few felt great before the sun came up above the trees, then it was pretty rough. I was literally drenched when we got back to my parent’s house. Isn’t this incredibly attractive? Ah, southern humidity, even at the end of September on the first day of “fall!”
Loved not having long hair bugging me on my run!
However, I am really happy with our run. I actually felt good! Shoes did great which is a huge answer to prayer. I did have some hip pain and tightness on both sides and had to stop and stretch a lot, and we will see if it continues as I get used to these shoes. For now, the foam roller and I are still BFF’s.
Overall, this week was a really good one.
Sunday: rest
Monday: 9 miles running
Tuesday: 20 minutes bike, upper body weights
Wednesday: 3 miles running, upper body weights
Thursday: rest
Friday: 15 minutes elliptical, upper body weights
Saturday: 10 miles running
Not too shabby. Only thing I would have changed was to add in another run day on Thursday, maybe a short sprint workout. I really want to run 4 times a week. Other than that I am pretty happy, especially with the miles put in and the quality of yesterday’s run. I am getting back on track finally!
QOTD: When was the last time you felt like you had a really good workout? Does it boost your self confidence?

Heather —
I’ve gotta say — I’m a new reader and LOVE your blog. I wish I had a friend like you in real life! Anyway, just curious if you’re training for something or just running to run. 🙂
Aw you are so sweet! Thanks! If you hover over my “races” tab a drop down menu that says “upcoming races” should appear. Click that to see my next ones! 🙂
a good workout is always a confidence booster for me!! when i started yoga for the first time last month after being sooo used to just running and lifting, it felt crazy! my muscles were totally shocked! lol. happy sunday and spa love!
yoga is a great workout! love it.
You look amazing! 🙂
I do have some question though.. i’m still struggling on Saturday morning run.. i do much better on night run but i just can seem to get the same pace during the run on Saturday morning.. on which all the races probably be held anyway..
How do you prepare before the long run? Do you eat anything on Saturday morning before the run? When you do like 9mi pre-run, do you drink water during the run? If so how?
I just started running like 3 month ago and I do have my first half marathon coming up in November. Wish I can have some tips from the expert!
I am def. not an expert, but what works for me personally is eating about an hour before I run, usually a banana and clif bar or yogurt. I bring Nuun and water and gatorade on my runs (it’s so hot and humid here and I sweat a lot) and eat GU. I actually wrote apost about this for tomorrow so check it out!
Great job this week!
My last really great workout was my 4 mile run on Thursday, at 8:30 pace! That’s pretty fast for me and it was nice because my husband and I were running together.
that’s great good job!
What a great week! Way to get it done with those awesome runs!
I’m having a hard time posting a comment, it keeps telling me I’ve already posted this, which I haven’t, unless I’m way more repetitive in my blog comments than I think. So, if you end up with like three of this same comment, please feel free to delete 🙂
It must be the shoes! Glad they’re working out. Having a good run like that is so motivating, especially when you are challenged by heat and humidity (I know, it is still over 100 here, though not as humid).
I love workouts on the days I double up my running with a yoga class. Not too long of a run, up to 5 or 6 miles, then a 90 minute flow class. It kicks my butt, but I feel so good afterward (after my nap, anyway).
I got the comment two times, no worries!
A good workout is one of the best confidence boosters! My latest was this morning’s long run. Perfect fall weather and consistent targeted pace!
YAY for a great run!! So glad everything worked out!
I live in upstate NY and I’m glad it has cooled down. I lost so many fluids on my runs when it was hot out. Nice run.