I had a great week of workouts this week. I finally feel like I am getting back on my game, and I haven’t felt this good with my workouts/runs in a long time. Granted every run wasn’t a “good run”, but I got a good amount of mileage in and feel more confident going into my next race than I did my last one. (Granted there is something about this race I haven’t told you yet, but I will save that for later this week).
Yesterday, Bobby and I ran 12 miles, our longest run before our half in a couple of weeks. It was not pretty. It had been raining on and off all night, but we headed out anyway. It was overcast, but 92% humidity and in the upper 70’s. When I say we were drenched, it’s an understatement. We ran a 7.5 mile loop, then came back to the house to refill our water and dry off, then headed back out for 4.5. I started having some pretty bad hip pain on my left side and had to stop and stretch several times. We still managed to finish in 2:15. Funny how two long runs spaced a week apart can be so different. Last weekend we ran ten and I felt great. Yesterday, not so much. I literally was able to ring my shirt out in the sink after the run. I video taped it, but it’s kind of gross how much sweat comes off and I thought I would spare you. You’re welcome.
I’m only dry where my shirt overlapped my skirt!
I have been foam rolling like my life depends on it, stretching as I watch TV, and really trying to focus on my form. I did have some left hip pain pretty badly on yesterday’s run, but no foot pain on my long run. I did have slight pain on the treadmill during my sprint workout though. Ok, so enough rambling, my workouts are as follows:
Sunday: rest
Monday: 3 mile run, back, bi’s abs <—–ran those 3 faster than I have run since my injury
Tuesday: 6 mile run, chest, tri’s, abs and 10 minutes elliptical <—–felt good on these 6
Wednesday: back, bi’s, abs, legs and 20 minutes elliptical
Thursday: 3 mile sprint workout on the TM, chest, tri’s, and abs
Friday: rest (I could tell my body was tired and wanted to be fresh for my long run)
Saturday: 12 mile long run <—–death and misery
running: 4 x’s for 24 miles
cross training: 2 x’s
lifting: 4 x’s
QOTD: What was the workout highlight of your week?

Congrats on sticking out that run in the rain!! The bad runs aren’t fun, but I really believe they make us better runners 🙂
I hear you on the humidity!! It was 97% humid for my long run this morning, also in the 70’s and I was wringing out both my shirt and shorts in the bathtub. Insane! I’m ready for some cooler weather. Great job getting your miles back up!
I don’t know how you deal with that humidity, my 10 miles during the Tower of Terror race last night were unbearable! I was able to wring my clothes out afterwards too…so gross!
wow.. you’re a MACHINE! 🙂
I love your shirt!! Where can I find it?
I’m a #sweatpink ambassador so I got it through that but I think anyone can get them (without ambassador written on the back haha) fitapproach.com