Happy Sunday! Hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend. We have had a great one so far, and Bobby and I are doing our long run today since we didn’t get a chance to do it yesterday, so this weeks stats don’t look quite as good with our run technically being “next week”.
My knee still bothers me after I run and stays sore, but it’s not unbearable, just tight. I continue to foam roll but have been slacking on my strengthening exercises.
I have been doing very well with my eating this week, except when I made homemade sugar cookies and icing….I may have had a few.
Sunday: rest
Monday: 6 miles
Tuesday: 45 minutes elliptical, upper body weights
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 3 miles
Friday: 30 minutes stationary bike
Saturday: rest (long run Sunday instead)
This coming weekend we will do our longest long run of 13 miles, then start tapering for the Dumbo Double Dare in Disneyland!
QOTD: Do you always long run on the same day of the week?

I usually do mine on Saturdays but if me or my husband has to work them it gets bumped to Sunday.
I’m a Saturday girl, too!
Yup. Sundays are long running days around here.
Mine is usually saturday!
I always do long runs Saturday but now that we moved I’m finding all the running groups here to long runs early on Sundays… so I might switch to have buddies to run with, we’ll see. Great week!
oh good luck!
My training plan has them on Sundays which has worked best for me so far.
I long run on Saturday most of the time. I work one Saturday out of the month and have to punt my long run to a different day that week. This usually leads to a run that isn’t the best because my legs aren’t 100% recovered, but at least I get it in!
I like to do my long runs on Saturdays, it allows me to rest and relax as needed on Sunday! This Saturday I volunteered at the IronKids triathlon all day and had to move my run to today. It worked!
I don’t really have a running plan. My runs depend on how I feel. If I feel like running 10-13 miles I will. It just depends on the day and the heat too!